Research found out that person's personality is understood by the flavor of favorite ice cream

ByRudy Eng

The late July in AmericaRonald ReaganIt is the month that the president made as "National Ice Cream Month", the third Sunday of which is designated as "the day of ice cream", but in Japan31 Ice creamKnown asBaskin-RobbinsMade a study to celebrate such an ice cream month and made public about the tendency of a person's character by the flavor of favorite ice cream.


Baskin-RobbinsIt is a taste and fragrance expertIn collaboration with Dr. Alan Hirsch, I conducted research to find something that suggests the person's character among the popular ice cream flavors. According to Dr. Hirsch, "During the investigation of what people's favorite ice cream tells about their personality, we did a number of amazing discoveries," Dr. Hirsch said "For example, people who like Rainbow Sherbet are more pessimistic than you think, those who like Rocky Road are good listeners."

So the list of ice cream diagnosis published by Baskin - Robbins is from the following.

◆ 01: Vanilla
First off from the classic vanilla. Personality who likes vanilla is impulsive, easy to be implied, and it seems that it tends to be an idealist.

◆ 02: Chocolate
People who like chocolate taste are dramatic · active, charming · cheating and seductive possibilities, and also features easy to be cheated.

◆ 03: Berry Berry Strawberry
People who like Strawberries full of strawberries have been featured as "tolerant" "dedicated" "introverted" to those who like strawberries.

◆ 04: Chocolate mint
People who like refreshing chocolate mint that you want to eat in the summer are pretty simple and cautious.

◆ 05: Chocolate · chip cookie · dough
It does not exist in Japanese regular menu, but people who like chocolate, chip cookie, and dough seem to be strongly ambitious, competitive and fancy.

◆ 06: Pre Ring Cream
People who like prerinking cream that appeared several times in Japan tend to be affectionate and considerate and avoid being noticed.

◆ 07: Jamoka
The characteristic of Jamoka's favorite person is that it is conscientious, sincere, perfectionist.

◆ 08: Chocolate chip
People who like chocolate chips are likely to be generous, competent, and handsome.

◆ 09: Rainbow Sherbet
The colorful rainbow sherbet has a positive atmosphere, but those who like this taste are analytical, decisive and pessimistic.

◆ 10: Rocky Road
People who like ice cream meaning "rocky road" with almonds and marshmallows on chocolate ice cream are aggressive, attractive and also good listeners.

in Note,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log