Headline news on May 21, 2013

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:31 May 21, 2013, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Turn on the power and set iPhone to dance to the music "dance! Face stand"Takara Tomy will release on June 27th. By using application "Face singing" using motion portrait technology that can synthesize facial animation, you can move your face picture of friends and family as if you were sitting on music. The price is 3465 yen including tax, there are three colors of white · red · blue.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

Picture of amphibious solar eclipse seen in various parts of Japan in 932 years & amp; Summary of movies - GIGAZINE

"Microsoft Signature" that eliminates unnecessary software at the time of purchasing a computer for a fee and accelerates startup - GIGAZINE

I tried comparing the power of "Black Black " that made black black gum as a beverage - GIGAZINE

I went to "Tobita Shinchi" where more than 150 buildings of the largest affair of Japan still remain - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Roricho ran for election wwwwwwwwww - Golden Times

"Tennozu Isle"'s beautiful girl feeling is abnormal

When iPhone 5 is immersed in speaker water, the sound quality will be better - Golden Times

【Repeat】 The moment the friend gets off the train suddenly become quiet wwwww Buru speed - VIP

[Image] Girl who clears the game of Famicom by the feet that appeared in the wish ranking girls too much! : Gimetto

Washuzan Highland, Yaba Too Wolter wwwww: Untitled Document

[Image] I bought the official guide to start "2 chan"!

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Omurasaki To breed within the factory NHK News

The creation of cloned humans is hurdley | Slashdot Japan Science

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Pissing himself, piercing from his belly to his back ... College student serious injury: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Asahi Shimbun Digital: Kyodo news agency, disposing former Human Resources Director Employment inappropriate behavior for students - Society

As it is ... With Mr. Hashimoto Ichiba, dangling interruption restart: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

The painful news (No ∀ `): Marugame noodle, to the policy to leave the store manager of all stores to the part - Livedoor blog

【Impersonation virus】 Recording medium discovered from Mt. Kumogori almost the same as that of Enoshima cat's collar - MSN Sankei News

Loud volume event, arbitrary cosplay photography party ... Kanagawa · Sarusima's annoying acts successively + (1/3 page) - MSN Sankei News

Painful news (No ∀ `): Mr. Otake" About refusing Italian entrance "Acknowledged that the woman cried, so she exposed the store name with grudge and criticized the store - livedoor blog

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
People who can read and speak Japanese are not necessarily those who can write Japanese - klim's self-talk

One thing I remembered suddenly after writing so far. Many of the international students who were involved in school etc were involved with international students, but many of the foreign students who were involved in my ability could speak Japanese well, but as soon as it corrects the report etc. it is appropriate It seems that there were many things that the subject and the predicate were twisted. Whether it is a mother tongue or not, because the ability of speaking is high, it is not necessarily that the lighting ability is high.

Masato Kimura's tweet in London Mr. Otake's responsibility and barrier of mind

Tani is accusing the media every time he sees terrible eyes, trying to speak for the feelings of other disabled people. It is a wish as long as there is no barrier to obstacles. When becoming a celebrity as much as Tanney san, the restaurant and shop where he goes is talked about on the net. Barrier-free for stores is a big "selling".

Mr. Otake went to the Ginza store in Tweet and got to the shopkeeper: Tweets Kako

About refusal of Italian entrance | Otobuhyo Tadashi Official site

If there is a telephone protest etc going to the shop side as a result of my disclosure, if I have trouble with my work, that is really sorry and not realistic. Although I was the seed that I planted, I would like you absolutely not to do such an action.

A handmade cute bookmark was caught in a book borrowed from a library:

Abnormalities in 'Employment intimidation society' to chase college students to "suicide": Nikkei Business Online

Asahi Shimbun Digital: street lunch box, food not being talked about food poisoning concerns, the city examines sales regulation - society

80th anniversary of Osaka subway · present and past and future (Kaoru Ihara) - individual - Yahoo! News

Woman who made up her husband DV: 2ch Copipe preservation dojo

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
A story of a company that threw away DAU from the evaluation index # tokyowebmining

You know in 5 seconds! How to distinguish dangerous twitter users! - No gains available today

Talk about wanting to talk to engineers of dmm - memorable memo

"HTTP textbook" for people related to the Web released - Rabbit literature diary

My MS Mincho can not be this cute - notes on Mac OS X character code issues

Xperia ™ × VAMPS | Sony Mobile Communications

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Livetune adding Fukase (from SEKAI NO OWARI) "Take Your Way" Music Video - YouTube

How to overturn a project of a Soshaja company. : Damn of the island country Yamato

The game is. Everyone can play, but making it requires a certain amount of accumulation.

Something lost Yamato Nishizaki and Osamu Osamu and Mr. Tezuka and Mr. Yoshiyuki Tomino's director of Gundam's relationship - When the sea triton

【There is a picture】 Does Heidge now are like this: Kini speed

Russian Sparrows crash / Mahjong in Moscow Competition - Togetter

"Shonen Jump" aims to strengthen the work for boys: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Director Takashi Miike 's "shield of straw", criticisms in Cannes is dry international news: AFPBB News

Keanu Reeves Fiercely! Topics that you do not know who you are anymore! - Cinema Today

Toyota: President Toyoda participates in the German race - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

Results of this season of the athlete who received a notification outside the warfare last year: Results of summarizing J JW w (preliminary report)

【Comedy】 Hanshin fans' reactions at Conrad doctor are not given excellent sense (what J is) None @ N Summary

What is a stadium @ N J summary: 【Breaking News】 Seibu · Takayama and Hanshin · Kawasaki trade

Hanshin, "Shinpyuto" Baseball is a broad agreement baseball with Boyer

17 Wind blowing if nothing 2013/05/21 (Tue) 12: 52: 23.96 ID: dM / 3hCF2
AKB or somewhat disappointing headlines are likely to come out at Ando Kubo Boyer

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
July 2 (Tuesday) New release ~ Creating the third original picture book in mid-July ~ Appearance of summer limited flavor using only Watermelon fruit from designated farms "Koiwai Jun Sui Suika" July 2 (Tue)

Connecting designs are fun, Heroes can! 2nd appearance of long-awaited appearance in the collaborative carbonated drink of Dido Drinko and Dido Drink 's anime "Dragon Ball" attracting attention for the first time in 17 years

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Headline news on 20th May 20th - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt