SOFTBANK ranked number one net addition for 16 consecutive months, docomo only slight increase of 1300

NTT Docomo and KDDI (au), SoftBank Mobile, WILLCOM, UQ Communications announced data on subscribers this month. Although the situation that DoCoMo is overwhelmingly different from other companies is unchanged from the number, only the increase of docomo by 4 digits is seen in the incremental number.

Number of subscriptions Monthly data: Mobile phone number etc. Number of subscribers | Corporate information | NTT DoCoMo

Mobile Communication Service Monthly Contract Data | Data Collection | KDDI CORPORATION

Monthly Subscription Data | SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp.

WILLCOM | Subscriber information

The number of contracts as of April 2013 ranking like this is like this. UQ Communications is a subsidiary of KDDI, but since it was separately presented numerals separately, it is set as a separate notation.
NTT Docomo: 61,533,700 cases
KDDI: 37,910,800 cases
SOFTBANK: 32,740,900 cases
WILLCOM: 5,393,900 cases
UQ Communications: 4,133,300 cases

There is no change in the composition that docomo is keeping other companies almost double score and KDDI and SOFTBANK are following it.

However, looking at the net increase will look like this. The net increase is the number obtained by subtracting "cancellation number" from "number of new contracts".
Softbank: 264,400
KDDI: 200,500
UQ Communications: 49,700
WILLCOM: 41, 100
NTT docomo: 1300

The net increase number 1st isSoftbank in 16 consecutive months. KDDI had a good au smart value and fell to SOFTBANK. If we can maintain this pace, there seems to be no fear that SoftBank will take the position of mobile phone carrier 2nd. One thing I can notice is docomo, which only kept the net increase of 4 digit level, even if I saw it in the pastThe fifth lowest in the pastIt is said that.

NTT DoCoMo is planning to launch a new product for the summer sales fight on May 15th, and depending on the lineup announced there, a big move may come out as well. In addition, KDDI will also have a new product release on May 20th.

in Mobile, Posted by logc_nt