McDonald starts presenting potato holders for Mac fly potatoes from April 24

When I bought a set of hamburgers at drive-through, it may be awkward for potatoes to get scattered inside paper bags, but McDonald's developed "potato holders" that do not need to worry about such things. I will give it as a value set purchase from April 24th.

The arrival of the Golden Week, perfect for going out by car! A holder for 'Mac fly potato', one purchase by every purchase of L set
"Potato Holder" campaign Limited time limited from Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This potato holder gift is like this. The same as the Mac fly potato package, a design based on red.

You can use it by inserting it in a drink holder such as a car.

A gift campaign will be held from April 24th and you can purchase a value set containing drinks (L size) and Mac fry potatoes (L size), one piece. You can also drink in the L size menu M size.

The implementation area is McDonald's nationwide except for some stores, from midnight Mack dealers to morning Mack dealerships closed from 10:30 am to 24 hrs, from 24:00 am from morning Mac time zone. It will end as soon as the holders run out.

McDonald's official account on Twitter "@ Love_McD"Now, we are looking for situations using this potato holder.Dedicated campaign siteWhen posting how to use it, it is said that 100 people won the Mac card equivalent to 1000 yen by lottery. It seems that it is okay to tweet many times by one person.

I think that it is an item that can be sold as an option, but will not it be available after the campaign period?

in Food, Posted by logc_nt