A drawing summarizing the movie and damage that reproduced the "Die Hard" series with clay animation
"The world's most unfortunate criminal acting in Bruce · Willis" John McLain's big success movie "Die Hard" series is currently the latest work "Die Hard / Last Day」Is on sale well, but some people who reproduced this latest work with clay animation appeared. Of course clay animation does not make the power of Hollywood movies, but it is definitely a movie that seems like a die / hard.
A Good CLAY to DIE HARD - YouTube
The logo of the 20th century Fox movie is also clay.
It is a different font from the image of "Die · Hard" for a moment ... ...
McLain Detective ... ...?
Naka Tomi Building is a big explosion, but Cheap.
As early as "Die Hard 2"
McLane is suddenly blown off by a big explosion of the plane. What a digest version ... ....
"Die · Hard 3"
Mc lane runaway by taxi
It's an explosion again.
"Die · Hard 4.0" ...
McLane threw the car and shot down the helicopter. As expected there was not such a scene, but it is die and hard to explode anyway.
And now.
The stage is to Russia. I thought it was McLane all the time, but it is clay so it looks like "John McRae".
It is strange to think that an airplane drops Tetrimino, but as for what kind of groundbreaking place is actually prepared, the 20th century Fox movie himself is publishing on YouTube separately from the trailer.
Firstly messed up car chase
A Good Day to Die Hard: Knock Knock - YouTube
The place where the helicopter comes to raid is the scene which was reproduced also in clay animation.
A Good Day To Die Hard - 'Hotel Helicopter' Clip - YouTube
I handed over the weapon and took away the freedom of my hand but took back the glass and shattered it.
A Good Day To Die Hard - 'Ballroom Fight' Clip - YouTube
McClane is too overdoing. However, in Russia we welcome you, so the following movie "Welcome, Bruce Willis!" Is also made.
Крепкий орешек. Хороший день, чтобы умереть - Мы ждем! - YouTube
· Bonus
Things made from the first work to "Die · Hard 4.0" made into the evening paper style infographic are also made. In the first installment, McLane released 36 hostages, 22 enemies killed. The number of large explosions is 4 times, and information such as 39 times appearance of the word "fuck!" Appears.
In the second work, we saved the lives of 4320 people aboard 18 planes and killed 246 enemies. As a vehicle, there is one snowmobile and three aircraft, but "Fuck" remarks decreased to 22 times.
The third episode killed 19 enemies and "Fuck" also decreased to 21 times. Perhaps McLean is gradually becoming quiet.
At Die · Hard 4.0 finally "Fuck" seems to have not appeared, but 28 enemies have been defeated, 78 cars, 2 helicopters, 1 police car, 1 fighter aircraft etc are being sacrificed.
In the last day, it seems interesting to count how many enemies he has defeated, and how many times he murmured "Fuck!" The movie "Die Hard / Last Day" is releasing a big hit with 20th Century Fox movie distribution.
© 2013 Twentieth Century Fox
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