A device that can collect moisture from the air just by placing hints from desert insects
A device that collects moisture present in the air as water vapor and produces water from a place that looks like nothing is a venture companyNBD NanotechnologiesIt is being developed by.
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This equipment is AfricanNamib DesertI got a clue to the mechanism that the beetle named "Namib Desert beetle" (beetle of the Namib desert beetle) collects water vapor in the air on the back on the fogy day and gets moisture there from there .
How does "Namib Desert beetle" collect water from the air? It is well understood by looking at the BBC documentary below.
African beetles beat the heat in the Sahara desert - BBC wildlife - YouTube
At first sight a vast desert that seems to have no moisture at all.

However, in the air certainly water vapor is contained, and there are days when it drifts around in the form of mist.

Sometimes water adhering to grass leaves gathers and becomes water drops.

"Namib Desert beetle" adapted to such an environment gathers water on the surface of the body receiving the damp wind on the back as the butt rises high on the day of fog.

By doing this we were able to get enough water for a small insect body.

And, it is hinted that this beetle figure can be hinted and it is trying to make a device for extracting water from the airNBD Nanotechnologiesis.
The company's aim is to establish a method of collecting water in arid regions such as deserts by strengthening the condensation of moisture using nanoscale surface processing technology.

Superhydrophobicity · SuperhydrophilicityIt is a unique technology of the company that collects water with a special material with a special made of special products such as people in developing countries where it is difficult to obtain clean water and people engaged in military operations etc. It is said that it is possible to provide a method for obtaining water.

The main members of the company are Miguel who got a degree in biology from Boston University and 4 people Andy who are studying doctoral course of organic chemistry at MIT.

When using the company's technology to drip the water on the surface processed board, the water will look like a round ball like the picture below.

Dropping drops of water on the board before processing (left) and the processed plate (right), the difference is obvious at a glance.

In addition, it is possible to let the water drops stay on the surface without running down if water drips with this plate upright.

Please check the video below that shows the actual experiment being done below.
NBD Nanotechnologies demo - YouTube
And, applying this surface processing technology, the company is developing a device that can continue to add water while collecting water in the atmosphere.

This idea has already won the grand prize at the Boston University venture competition,CBS BostonAccording to the company, the company got a prize of 10,000 dollars (about 800,000 yen) and started to develop prototype. Also,Another articleAccording to co-founder Sorensen's comment "I'd like to introduce it to the market in 2014", it seems that I have already set a goal for practical use. so,"NDB nanoIt will be a powerful way as a way to alleviate the water shortage in the region such as rain does not rise and there is no water source and even the sea is so far that it is impossible to make fresh water with desalination equipment.
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