Power up too much if you put the mouse in sports mode

I can have time with a strange blue room surrounded by a dog's ornament One young boy casually pushes the "SPORT" button on the back of a rat's toy in front of you, the rat powers up more than expected The movie that it has done, "BMW Fahrerlebnisschalter"is.

BMW Fahrerlebnisschalter - Aufziehmaus - YouTube

A single boy in a room where dog figurines were lined up on a shelf

With Labrador's ornament placed in front of me ......

To stare at each other

I sat down.

A mouse-shaped toy in front of you

Hands on ... ....

I was totally appointed

Roll the mouse on the table

On the back of the mouse are two buttons "SPORT" and "ECO PRO"

Push the SPORT button

Watch staring

And ...

I let go of my hand

Suddenly backwards table

Mouse will fall down

The table slides on the floor vigorously ......

Break through Gashan and the window

Dressed figurines of dogs


Oh yeah

, The scene changes and the SPORT button is pushed again

Then the mode switches to SPORT ......

The car ran fast

So, it was CM of BMW 's SPORT mode. I think that the mouse moves at a tremendous speed and I am far beyond it, and it has become an expression that seems to be a sharp contrast that it is exceptionally powering up anyhow.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log