Anti Wi-Fi wallpaper for mobile phones and radios using wireless LAN shut off


For those who want to keep security thoroughly, a French researcher "Anti Wi-Fi wallpaper"Was developed. I do not shut out all radio waves and communication without asking questions, and it seems that cell phones and radios can be used without problems because they block off by frequency. Release is scheduled for 2013.

Anti-WiFi wallpaper lets cellular and radio through | Ars Technica

I developed anti-Wi-Fi wallpaperInstitut Polytechnique de GrenobleResearchers. As a technology to shut off communication,Faraday CageUnlike the one based on, it shuts down only the frequency used in wireless LAN, radio waves of mobile phones and radio can pass through.

According to Pierre Lemaitre-Auger, who is conducting research at Grenoble INP, this wallpaper prevents Wi-Fi snooping, for example, where there is concern about Wi-Fi interference, blocking external Wi-Fi connection It is useful in places you want to do.

The example of a place that might be useful is a hospital

ByFotos Gov / Ba

In the case of a theater, it is better for me to shut off mobile phones ....

ByBW Chicago

This product is made by license agreement with a Finnish manufacturer and the price will be about the same as the medium price range of ordinary wallpaper. Release is scheduled to start in 2013.

People who feel troubled if they do not communicate anywhere may become a little inconvenient if this wallpaper gets popular.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt