A slimy deep-sea fish with a slimy slimy slut attack movie to repel a shark
Although it looks like an eel, it does not have much to do with eelsNutakutsugi. The name "nuta" comes from the mucus that covers the skin, but this mucilage is also the strongest defense for the nutter eagle, even sharks are enough to give up attack.
A movie where this is actually attacked by sharks.
Attacking Shark Gagged by Slime - YouTube
Located in WellingtonMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaWe are cooperating in the coverage of the interview.
There is a food bag to collect nutter eel on the tip of the underwater camera.
At the depth of 671 m, the camera caught a honeysuckle.
A shark slowly approaching that nutter eel.
I will bite at once.
I thought I was going to eat or spit out like "oet". The circumference of the mouth is vague muddy because the shark violently escaped, so it is somewhat blurred, but the mucilage of the nut group is slime and sticky.
An uncertain thing stays attached to sharks that give up and go away, from the mouth to the bottom of the body.
Here is the one that zoomed in. At the moment when it was bitten, a nut eel secretes mucus from its surroundings.
And sharks that have been done. This mucus can not be taken easily, and in some cases it is packed in an era and dies.
Shooting at another point, and a sacrificial fish came from the left.
Swallow small turtles.
"Spit it!", I quickly spit out.
I give up and go swimming, but since mucus will remain in my mouth, it will be tough after this.
This is the aquarium in Vancouver, a movie capturing nutauna by hand. I can understand exactly what kind of mucus is.
Hagfish Slime - YouTube
A honeysuckle that sits on the bottom of the aquarium.
The area around the head already caught by the right hand is muddy. This is mucous.
A cure
Succeeded in taking out from underwater. It looks like a picture captured by a super slow camera, but it is not moment when water runs down around the captured nuts eagle, it is covered with mucilage of a nut group.
Even without a honeysuckle like this ...
Neat ... It seems that research on this mucus, whether it can be utilized for something, is under way.
By the way, the figure is very bad, although it is nutake eel, which fishermen are disliked from soiling the surroundings with this mucus, it is possible to eat. In Korea it is often used for edible purposes, and leather is also used. I am making deep-fried nutsutsunagi at the following site.
Fish dishes - I ate a deep-sea fish | Nutake eel - [NET de Aquarium]
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