Headline news on February 3, 2012

Recruitment began on November 10, 2011Collaboration project of FFXI and Takumi "Taken in Vana Deal"ofExcellent works released for 72 hours onlyIt is being done. Not only excellent works on the site, but also a movie that talks about the reason why TIZARI himself selected the work himself has been released.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

Memorial movie "Youtube Turns Five!" Looking back on the history of raging from YouTube establishment - GIGAZINE

SQUARE ENIX 's animation business "Animation is a business, it guesses exactly" - GIGAZINE

Movie "Rubber" to destroy everything that homicide tires can stand on ESP Super Movie and various things - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
[Movable Buddha figures figures] Revoltech Takeya 'Asura' Ka Kae ... Loose and fall down: Moe Ota news bulletin

HDD has passed away. At the very least, that only the image ... - Hamu Breaking News
After all, it is unknown whether the image which I wanted >> 1 was pasted

【God Combo】 A man who threatened cash 300,000 by finding a camouflage criminal, who was also arrested on suspicion of taking a picture: Untitled document

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

February 3, 2012 "Severe cold in Japan caused by Arctic sea ice loss" Science portal editing news Science and technology All I will tell Science portal / SciencePortal

Asahi Shimbun Digital: A spider's secret stark clarification Rice, Italy's research team - Science

(* ゚ ∀ ゚) ゞ Kagaku News Corps: Russian Mars probe, the cause of the failure to launch "cosmic rays" "fake parts made in China"

Preparing for Betelgeuse's Explosion MAXI

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
On 2 February such a squid soft drink has a tax of 60 million yen! I saw the operation manual "Prosecutor's judge selection Kuji drawing software" ordered by the Supreme Court Secretary General! | One citizen will slash! [Civil Opinions Blog]

Difference in recognition between Japan and the US against stemmers: Meine Sache ~ Meine · Zache

Sanin Chuo Shimpo - Drowsy driving warning system released nationwide

Taking advantage of the research results that aura appears in the pulse waveform 5 to 10 minutes before falling asleep, prevent accidents. When the sensed data is analyzed with a computer and the danger is detected, the monitor screen turns red and urges the driver to take a break with the voice "urg!".

Hot water bucket relay 30 minutes ... Frozen Kyushu Electric Power Plant: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Asahi Shimbun Digital: a subsidiary of Shiraishi Shoten arrested by president of allegedly operating gambling site - Society

Delivery of the trial decision proposal from the Fair Trade Commission - Japan Academy of Copyright Association (JASRAC)

Iwanami Shoten survey on declaration of employment related to misery Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

Iwanami Shoten stated on the website as an employee recruitment requirement in FY 2001 subject to "letters of introduction by the Iwanami Shoten (or published by the author) or introduction of employees".

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Business Media Makoto: Sugiyama Junichi's current affairs in day-to-day and new series start: Why did you pursue speed (Shinkansen "Series 300") (1/4)

M8M 9 Large earthquake Then, I will teach you how to "survive" even in the worst place | Economic blind spot | Contemporary business [Kodansha]

Why do students say " does not understand the difference between companies" even though it sees? : Agora - Livedoor blog

What is a strategy is to decide what to do and what not to do, to take your own position. Japanese firms said that this is not clear and that they are all side by side.

Hiring recruitment is exactly the case. There are not many companies that have clear recruitment strategies, including leading companies. In "fighting", it is important that each of "strategy", "tactics" and "battle" is important, that there is consistency, it is important to do it properly, but many recruiters are only "tactics" I have not thought about it. I feel that we are weak at the end of the final "battle". What is the number of recruiters who give up early when batting with other companies? Of course, although it is one strategy to divide it if it can not be helped even if chased afterwards. People who say "There is a strategy in our place" usually talk about tactical level. As a result, the story of "recruitment strategy" will be reversed as to when to give a job offer.

Looking for a Tokyo ranger | Tokyo

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Momentum of communication: "100 times in 4 years" momentum: DoCoMo's obstacles can not be laughed "Communicating" Netiquette required "and grandchild president - ITmedia Professional Mobile

"Since you started doing arbitrary, you think you will be scolded to keep permission for permission forever, but still (communication increase) will be a problem common to the industry 10 times in 2 years, 100 times in 4 years and 10,000 times in 8 years.We will be able to receive several times the radio waves.At least about 1.5 times you get it, so if the communication increases by 10,000 times then who will manage it.In the matter of time, The time will have to be solved fundamentally. "

Shamil Tsuneoka - Google+ - I also mentioned at the Meiji University lecture, but Twitter, Facebook and smartphone have not changed the world.

I mentioned in the lecture of Meiji University, but Twitter, Facebook and smartphone did not change the world. SMS and Al Jazeera made the revolution in the Middle East, neither of which exists in Japan.
Japan spreads more than the Middle East rather than any other country in the world, smart phones are on sale, the use of Twitter is active but in Japan that is supposed to be much darker than the current situation in the Middle East, "revolution" Storm in the cup "ended. The reason why the revolution could not come out of the net is that SMS was interrupted and no media like Al Jazeera existed.
When I go back to my parents 'home in Nagasaki prefecture after a long absence, the world that my parents are doing with a thin life with a net and an edge (as well as an internet environment) is far from my or my friends' world I will be noticed. SMS and Al Jazeera acted as a tool to bridge the disconnection.

Dave · Weiner talks "To restore technology to the hands of engineers" «WIRED.jp World's Strongest 'Techno' Journalism

We are now in a very weak position against a handful of gigantic enterprises - large companies controlling most of the flow of information that most Internet users interact with. Most of messages going on the net are passing through these companies' servers.

U.S. フ ェ イ ス ブ ッ ク 「5 Management Philosophies」, Mr. Zuckerberg Announced International News: AFPBB News

Mr. Zuckerberg's management style in facebook internal memo - WSJ Japan version - www.WSJ.com

【PC Watch】 Japan HDD Association January 2012 Seminar Report - Recovery from the Great Blow of Thailand Flood 2012 2012

【AWS Announcement】 Added Base for Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 to Osaka - Amazon Web Services Blog

NHK to sell SOFTBANK MOBILE with billions of yen for about 1,000 repeater stations for analog broadcasting becoming unnecessary

Nico administration "Do not know if it is from right owner" www "Director" It is the rightful person "administration" ... Eh ... !? "Director" Nice to meet you, Hiroyuki Kitakubo is the director of the animation "managed ..." Okay, gee ... Oh ... Be ... with another contact ... "Director" on twitter ^ ^ "- Togetter

Chaos chan: You better seriously get away from Google

2 chan summary blog annihilation? Advertisement Too many sites Google to penalty etc. 10 + 2 articles (foreign & amp; domestic SEO information) | Web personnel Forum

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Tadahiro Akae: In his role "Shin Cure" Shinichi Hatori Ana also "animated" - MANTANWEB (MANTAN web)

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Ochiai "Today and the Yamasaki school are in conflict with today's middle day" «Chunichi Dragons« Nikkan Yakiniku @ Nan J

Comedy on a snow race Comedy celebrity big injury Niigata prefectural police commentary on the live - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

Mr. Yasuhiro (real name, Yasuhide Aiki) of comedy "Son" who got injured (42). Speed ​​exceeded in the recording of a game which slides on a rubber boat, and it crashed into a hut under the slope.

Sell ​​"Fighter name" Urawa, Komaba players name board - J1 news: nikkansports.com

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Limited time limited Dry curry of adult man, secret of taste in spicy New release of man's exquisite spicy curry | New Meiji Co., Ltd.

Based on plenty of stir-fry onions, it is exquisite exquisite that spicy sauce and roast garlic chips were made.

Limited release from February 13

Lotte releases emergency food product "Koala's march biscuits

"Koala's march biscuits " prints the "handbook" of the disaster message dial on the package side of the can, and it also serves as a disaster prevention goods in the event of a disaster.

Release on February 7

Lotte, Limited release of chocolate confectionery "Koala's March

It is a chocolate candy that confined a lot of white chocolate flavored with coffee powder in the koala shaped biscuit of crispy texture.

This time, since three kinds of picture are added, the total breaks through 465 kinds

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Headline news on February 2, 2012 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt