Ultimate bike race "Flying in the sky" Gladiator's Bike "

The future of the 22nd century, the disparity of the rich and poor of mankind is no longer irretrievable, and by the remarkable progress of medical technology the life of mankind has been doubled the life is now a dull society. People who are bored with casual cash and the time they took out are finally the ultimate bike race "Gladiator's BikeIt is this bike that was designed by the concept that the competitors hold the harsh race aiming for the finish line to gain glory and admiration ......

Gladiator's Bike by Jaewan Jeong >> Yanko Design

This is just a story that's cool with "cool", is not it a bike design that probably got inspiration? It is speculated.

Jet Powered Bike By Norio Fujikawa >> Yanko Design

Also, the background image seems to have pulled from the site below.

Maxim Revin: Мегаполис

Maxim Revin: Different works :)

Looking at "Gladiator's Bike" as imitating and plagiarism, or seeing it as brushing up by combining existing images according to the concept ... ....

in Vehicle,   Design, Posted by darkhorse