"Drunken Legend" of people who have acted insignificantly by being drunk


Drinking too much and drunk too much, arrested for funny behavior ... ... There is no doubt as to the case that .... Regardless of gender and woman, the idiosyncrasy after drunkenness is spreading in various forms.

Throw a duck

ByMhall 209

In the state of California, USA,A woman who threw a duck in drunkenness arrestedIt is being done. The woman threw the duck to the ground and was about to tighten up and was arrested by a police officer who received the report. Fortunately, the duck 's life was not different. The reason why a woman was throwing a duck has not been revealed.

◆ Mistake the police station as a casino


University of Nebraska LincolnA 21-year-old man on the way home from the watching soccer came in at the police station on the premises of the prefecture, and asked the staff who was at the reception "Is there a tip for Black Jack?Case of mistaking the police station as a casinoOccurred.

The policemen examined the breath of a man and there was a drinking reaction, so the man was detained. As it turned out that the result of the interrogation, not particularly involved in the crime, was found to be arrested, it was released without being arrested.

◆ Carry the car chase with the police in a topless condition

Erin B. Holdsworth (28), who lives in Ohio,Driving a car without wearing clothes other than net tightswas doing. The police car and the defendant who found it got tangled into the car chase, the police punctured the tire of the opponent's car and chased to park on the shoulder.

Erin B. Holdsworth defendant (28)

Before the arrest, the defendant came out of the car with a staggered footsteps, walking around in a naked condition. After all, the defendant was charged with sin, driving speed, violation of speed, and crime of trying to refuse alcohol inspection despite suspension of license.

◆ Why do people behave in a way they do not understand if they get drunk

ByD. J. Milky

There is nothing to do with the meaning unknown behavior of a human who is drunk. Even in Japan,In April 2009, SMAP's arrest was arrested because Mr. Kusamigyo was drunk and naked in the presence of the publicThere was a case.

The reason why drunk men go out to such a curiosity is not usually drunken like a person drinking alcohol in a common sense range falls,Abnormal drunkennessIt is believed to be in a state called called. Abnormal drunkenness is also classified into two types, it can be divided into complex drunkenness and pathological drunkenness, but only a few people fall into pathological drunkenness. In many cases it is said that the possibility of causing a crime increases when you drink too much and get into a state of complicated drunkenness. If it is a case like the one listed here, you should never give up because the state of drunkenness may cause injuries, sexual offenses, murder cases and so on.

Alcohol Health Medical Association has released10 Cases of Proper DrinkingAre as follows. It is pointed out not only aspects such as drinking too much but also the risk of using in combination with medicine, so please check once whether you are enjoying sake without difficulty.

(Article 1) Talking and drinking is fundamental
(Article 2) While eating, slowly in an appropriate amount range
(Article 3) It is recommended to dilute a strong drink and drink
(Article 4) Tsukurou yo Week holidays for two days
(Article 5) Continue long drinking
(Article 6) Impossible for other people (people) not permitted · Ikki drinking
(Article 7) It is dangerous with alcoholic medicine
(Article 8) Do not drink Pregnancy and lactation
(Article 9) Exercise after drinking · Beware of bathing
(Article 10) Do not forget the periodic examination such as the liver

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log