A LEGO robot that solves Rubik's cube at ultra high speed
"Rubik's Cube"Speaking of cubes puzzles with many enthusiasts around the world, a robot that solves this at a tremendous speed was made by combining Lego and a smartphone.
The name of the Lego made Rubik cube solving robot produced by Mr. David Gilday and Mike Dobson"Cube Stormer II". If you pass the Rubik 's cubes of different colors to the Cube Stormer II, they will be aligned in just about 6 seconds. It is said that it is faster than the world record by human hand.
Do not Blink: Lego NXTs and an Android Smartphone Just Solved Your Rubik's Cube | GeekDad | Wired.com
The movie below was taken of Cube Stormer II actually unraveling the Rubik's cube. Certainly we are completing the puzzle at an amazing speed.
CubeStormer II - YouTube
Easy operation. Just set the Rubik 's cube, which is not uniform in color, in the center of the fuselage and push the switch.
Then, the smartphone connected by Bluetooth"GALAXY S II"The camera starts and image recognition starts.
The base of the robot is a kit in which a robot can be assembled with a LEGO block"Lego mindstorm NXT"It is made of. Images recognized by GALAXY S II are sent to Lego's computer via Bluetooth, and the robot analyzes this and solves the puzzle.
It was completed in only 5.352 seconds.
The mechanism itself is simple, but considering that the former is Lego, it is a splendid thing that you can do the fixing and the rotation sequentially at this speed without causing discrepancies among the four arms. By the way, on the official site of Lego,"Lego mindstorm NXT"You can buy the kit for $ 279.99 (about 21,000 yen).
Incidentally, there are not only 3 × 3 in the Rubik's cube, but also more types divided into blocks. I thought that there was no machine to solve the cube, but it still existed. The bottom movie is 7 x 7"V-Cube 7"Machine to solve. Of course it is made of Lego. It seems that we do not place much emphasis on speed here.
ARM Powered Android LEGO MultiCuber 777 - YouTube
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