Futuristic and cool Trike inspired by riding

It is inspired by horse riding in terms of "mobility" and "harmony with nature", a futuristic and stylish designTrikeis.

The Saddle - Michelin Challenge Design Concept Vehicle by Attila Tari >> Yanko Design

This is the trike "Equestrian Inspired Trike" inspired by horseback riding. It is concept design by designer Attila Tari.

Like this, I get on like a ride on a horse.

Animal design is somewhere "ZoidIt is like an impression.

Each of the three wheels can be independently controlled and therefore can run even on harsh roads.

To steer a hemisphericalA gyroscopeYou control three discs embedded in your finger.

And it is a mechanism to adjust the speed with the throttle system modeled on horse's reins.

The position of the hand is like this.

Because it is a motorized trike using a lithium-ion battery, it is also environmentally friendly.

The position of the charging plug is backward.

The structure of the wheel part where the motor is charged looks like this.

in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log