Wally's cosplay war without honor, 3657 warriors in the rain seriously gathered

"Find the Wally"Speaking of, British illustratorMartin HandfordIt was a popular subject in Japan by incorporating a game book element that searches for a warrior, the main character from a crowd that is crowded, with a picture book by. Actually, the cosplay war over this warrior has broken out between the United States and the UK, and its fight is intensifying every year.

The beginning is December 10th, 2008. 577 people gathered in Wisconsin state in the United States gathering and became the official record of Guinness. ContinueIn 2009, again in the USA, this time the event that the Roggers College of New Jersey collects Wally and breaks the recordPlanning, 1052 people gathered. In 2010, the home country UK which had been worshiping the United States back dust finally brought up, collecting 1505 warriors and taking the record. And this year, to further detach the United States, 3657 warriors gathered in Ireland 's capital, rainy Dublin.

Where's Wally? Street Performance World Championships attempt to break Guiness World record | Mail Online

The red-white striped shirt which is the characteristic of Wally, the red white hat, the people who attached round glasses of black border, Ireland is Dublin'sMerrion SquareWe gathered.

The overwhelming number of Wallyies who fill the way.

People of all ages are gathering regardless of age and sex.

Despite the unfortunate rain this year 3657 people gathered more than twice the difference last year gathered a glimpse of the strength of love for Irish and British people's Wallis.

The movie below is a picture taken of the wailies gathered in Dublin. British people with high tension though rain.

YouTube - There's Wally! - 'Where's Wally' Guinness World Record Attempt, Dublin, 2011

And here is a movie shot from the crowd. Everyone is dancing YMCA.

YouTube - Wally's dancing on YMCA in Dublin

The record has exceeded 3000 people, it has become a feeling that I can not overtake with a bit or softly, but is there really a counterattack in America?

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log