What on earth are you building ... ... a geisha bird that reproduces the sound of construction just like you doubt your ears

It seems that large-scale civil engineering work and building work are being carried out using various tools and heavy machinery such as excavators, drills, chain saws and hammers, etc. ... sounds like construction noise that seems like ...Crocodile. It is a bird kept in a zoo in Australia, but if the pet could be kept as a pet, the bark of the level of reproducibility at which a complaint comes from the neighborhood or is suspected to be "secret construction work" , It is worth listening.

Playback is from the following.YouTube - Superb Lyrebird imitating construction work - Adelaide Zoo

When we are closing the beak, the bulky pupil is a charming bird ... ...

When I open my mouth, I turn around, I give a sharp sound and gather public attention.

Sound like a drill, sound like hitting a chest, sound like a chainsaw, sounds like a whistle by a worker, sounds like keeping in touch with a transceiver, rich variations .

Australian endemic speciesCrocodileIs a bird of the sparrow eyes, male is known by lifting the decorative feathers of the tail at the breeding season and appealing to the female by dancing while imitating the birds' barking sounds.

Adelaide ZooIt is said that this individual, becoming a popular person, began to imitate the sounds when various constructions were done in the garden.Police AcademyBut it was a splendid performance that seemed to be useful.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log