Clearly there is a common point among women posting a lot of their photos on SNS


I am gathering a lot of usersMixiYaMobagetown, And has also been widespread in Japan in recent yearsFacebookUsers such as gender, age and so on are mixed in SNS (social networking service) such as, but some people who have seen a female user who posted a lot of pictures of himself / herself There may be. Research has revealed that a common trend can be seen for such female users.

It means that if you say briefly you are confirming your own value by placing so-called "self-portrait" pictures taken by yourself and snapshots taken with friends.

About the psychology of a woman who submits a lot of pictures of herself on SNS from the following.Women who post lots of photos of themselves on Facebook value appearance, need attention, study finds - Los Angeles Times

Studies have found that women who post large numbers of their photos on SNS tend to find value in their appearance and want to attract other people's attention. This research was published in the journal "journal Cyberpsychology" with the title "Behavior and Social Networking".

Female users who upload a large amount of their own photos use SNS to try to see how they can pride themselves on their appearance and how much attention of others can be attracted by their charm The result of the research was derived from the assumption that it was not.

The survey was conducted for 311 men and women, average age 23 years old, and we surveyed on Facebook usage situation. Before the survey, the researchers seemed to have deepened their understanding to some extent by looking at the profile of participants, the number of photos that are being shared, and whether or not they are applying for a friend without distinction.

Then, people who participated in the research answered questionnaire on usage on Facebook. This questionnaire was designed so that respondents themselves were able to measure the value of their own value, but the contents of the answers differed between males and females.

Compared to men, women emphasized their image and appearanceabout it. From this result, among female users, a trend has been dedicated to using Facebook to test how much attention of other people can be subtracted from their appearance.

Associate Professor Michael A. Stefanone, who is the first author of this research and who studies communications at Buffalo University, said, "In 2011 too many regretfully that many young women are measuring their own values ​​only by their appearance On Facebook, they raise their own photos as much as advertising as much as advertising, and they are doing self-assertion, "according to the survey results.

Associate Professor Stefanone said that not only for himself, but also for the act of putting a picture taken together with other friends "By appealing to those who are viewing that they care about a particular friendship, I guess there is a meaning to strengthen the bond with its friends that guarantees appearance and its value. "

Meanwhile, people who find their value in parts such as academic achievement, love affairs for family, moral and nobility, have a short time to use the Internet, and they also use social media to express interests of others I did not show much interest in drawing.

As a survey in the United States, users who post face pictures are more than men and women than Japan, and not all female users show such usage tendencies, but their appearance is a crucial part of their hearts , There seems to be a lot of people using SNS to confirm its value.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log