"HD WALLPAPERS" site where you can download free HD wallpaper of 8000 or more in size

720p and 1080p, or even wallpaper for widescreen monitors are also considerably responding to this "HD WALLPAPERSIt is the wallpaper distribution site.

The type of resolution that is supported is considerable and it is 1152 x 864 1024 x 768 1280 x 960 1600 x 1200 1920 x 1440 1400 x 1050 2560 x 1920 1280 x 800 1440 x 900 LOOX 1050 1920 x 1200 2560 x 1600 1280 x 1024 1280 x 720 1366 x 768 1920 x 1080 2560 x 1024 3200 x 1200 It is.

Download from below.
HD (High Definition) Wallpapers | 100% Quality Desktop Wallpapers | Free Wallpapers
* 2010/08/29 13: 39 Currently, access is rushing and page is difficult to see

The top page is in order of arrival,New check on RSSIt is also possible.

There is a link by resolution in the left menu, so it is easy to find it from here.

Since there is a category in the right menu, you can also use it as searching for your favorite image for the time being from here.

after,"In descending order of the most viewed"than,"In order of highest rateIs easier to find excellent wallpaper.

Also, you can see how many times the image was seen by taking the mouse up. Convenient to the ground.

Click on the wallpaper you like and click on the size you want to download further

After that, it is OK if you click "Download" in the upper left

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse