Headline news on 14th July 2010

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A questionnaire survey on pillows was conducted by eye share,Where emphasis was placed on pillows, the highest number of responses was "height" "feel"So, as for the height of the pillow, it seems that there are many people who emphasize as much as women and older people, and it is said that men and young people are paying special attention to the feeling. In addition, the most frequently used material of pillow currently used is "low-resilient urethane", 34.7%, followed by many people using cotton (5.5%) · soba (12.1%) .

I asked if I wanted to make custom-made pillows that fit my own in a pillow specialty store, and as a result I answered that more than 70% of people wanted to make it, and I would like to make a very important role for sleeping It can be seen that there are many people who are interested and have interest in the best pillow that matched their body.

So, tomorrowJuly 15. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on July 15th one year ago.

Lotteria launches a new "exquisite hamburger", to implement a campaign to refund the full amount to customers offering "not delicious" - GIGAZINE

Vending machine selling dirty brown and dirty water - GIGAZINE

I tried the web service "ChatPad" which can enjoy chatting completely anonymously with someone I do not know with one click - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Al Qaeda releases "useful skills" such as magazine issuance and bomb manufacture International News: AFPBB News(International, "Make bombs in Mama's kitchen", "What happens in jihad" etc)

Survey on alarm bells, universities, etc. to dangers young foreign students are likely to fall Canada International News: AFPBB News(Overseas, Canada is a safe and casual image as a language study abroad destination, but homestay international students are more likely to hand out drugs such as cocaine from local students)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): You can drink Sanuki udon noodle free from faucet Takamatsu Airport - Society(Regional, warm juice using Nagoro of Kagawa prefecture special)

10 excuses the boss does not want to hear - to avoid problems in advance - CNET Japan(Business, excuses and legitimate claims have as much difference as heaven and earth)

VIPPER like me: REGZA> BRAVIA> VIERA> AQUOS TV if you give priority in this order no losing(Home appliances, each has its own characteristics)

Things to Create Tomorrow: Summary of the Famicon Software Development Company(Game, feeling the huge rise and fall of the industry)

When I woke up, the words became British accent, New Zealand female international news: AFPBB News(It is regarded as foreign language accent syndrome due to science, brain damage)

Stalker to voice actor, sentenced to prison sentence as jail 1 year June Request: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Incident,Mr. Haruna Ikesawa's siteI wrote a hurtful honor on the bulletin board and sent an e-mail asking for an opportunity)

Mother of mothers receiving family protection "I think that should be legalized for children's future": 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω · ')(Memo, too much content on the top yahoo! Question contents of Chiebukuro)

Impact of "4000 yen round trip to Japan": Nikkei Business Online(Air, thorough cost reduction and discount due to its unique business model)

Stimulant drugs, marijuana sales, transportation employees, etc in the Tsukiji market: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Drugs, sometimes I interacted in the market)

Twitter / Kutto Kitchen: When I entered the ranking for 3 consecutive days in Pixiv, a request from me took a job from three mobile game production companies.(Game, proper compensation is necessary for neat work)

God is in VIP ww :: Let's make it a lower netapipe(Story, where does this talent come from?)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Tramway train driving experience, recruiting elementary school students each time First ten people - railway - travel(Railway,Okayama Electric orbitYou can experience driving in the garage)

To hold 'Water walking contest' at Biwako boat rink - Recruit participants - Biwako Otsu economic newspaper(We are looking for an event, a "Water Walker" entering a water ball with a diameter of 2.5 meters, a canoe accompaniment person, a team of one to three cheering universities and graduate students)

"The Norwegian Wood" theme song is in the Beatles' Norwegian Wood: Movie News - Movie. Com(The movie, the song actually means "Norwegian wood")

U.S. theater seat and larger audience according to the audience's body = survey | global speech | Reuters(Overseas, 5 cm from 1900 to 1990, the width of 2.5 cm further expanded in the past 20 years)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): I run in the former days -100 Series Shinkansen, 2 years after retirement - Society(Railroad, three organizations will be operated in white line on past years with blue line)

News - Science & Space - Human brain growth is in the same order as the evolution process (full article) - National Geographic Official Japanese Site(Science, human brains found to grow "surprisingly heterogeneously" as they grow)

Google Chrome extension code stealing user's login information - Slashdot Japan(Script, it was developed to demonstrate Chrome security problems)

SCO-related attorneys publish "Evidence that UNIX code was copied to Linux" released by Slashdot Japan(Programs, "Comments like many codes given as evidence are common, others are not so if you say" Copy & Paste ")

From amazon Bookstore, Books better than bookstores Those books are better: Sugo book I do not know will surely be reading by you(Book, the net is the window of the future, the bookstore is the current snap, and the way to make the library persisted his bookshelf)

Rice grain → home at home Improve food self-sufficiency rate? World's First Bakery Equipment - MSN Sankei News(Economy, you can use rice at home instead of rice flour)

The stumbling block of the Sharp mobile business that was mad at Microsoft | inside Enterprise | Diamond Online(Management, Microsoft KIN's OEM company, but it is forced to revise strategy)

All aspects of access analysis supporting the Rakuten economic area (second part) (1/4) - ITmedia Enterprise(Management, access analysis is extremely important for exploring new methods and measuring effectiveness of operational efficiency improvement)

"Antenna gate" of iPhone 4, hit Apple's stock price directly(Economy, total stock price down about $ 9 billion)

Does "free" on the net end? - Hit Institute - Nikkei Trendy Net(Internet service, billing system in the US, legal restrictions are advanced in Europe)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): "Mother died in the washing machine with the eldest daughter" Murder of suspected murder, abuse also stated - Society(Society, is not it a problem to think of such abuse in the first place?)

Colorful - continuation · This girl novel is good ※ Only for recent one(Culture, those who are looking for the light novel for men by all means)

About the journey of Mt. Fuji (climbing edition) - If you can have a cup of tea, you can do all things.(Travel, scenery photo collection from the 5th gig to the summit)

Facebook penetration rate in the US finally exceeded 70%. In the looop: ITmedia Alternative · Blog(I'd like to count how much internet, active accounts are there)

'IPhone 4 not recommended' and consumer information magazine antenna problem is reason - ITmedia News(Mobile, Consumer Reports says that there is a doubt about Apple's explanation)

Apple 's stock price decline in' iPhone 4 deprecated 'review - ITmedia News(Apple's stock price fell by more than 3% after a review backing up a growing dissatisfaction to mobile and iPhone 4 antenna sensitivity problem was posted)

Toyota's sudden acceleration accident is driving mistake? US paper pointed out - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(Automobile, Toyota cars that became a fuss about sudden acceleration accidents are mostly due to driving errors)

The paper is mainstream for A4, why there are many B5 envelopes (Excite Bit Connector) - Excite News(Note, A style is international standard, B style is unique to Japan)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Professor denied denying alcohol drinking "40 nutritional drinks" - Society(It is impossible for incidents, 40 people to drink nutritional drinks at once)

Gion festival: Class with colorful yukata Class students in Kyoto Municipal Government Downtown - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(In society, in Kyoto which goes to the Gion Festival, students wear themselves in yukata and go to school)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Feeding costs 3.2 million yen clothes, disciplinary action as elementary school secretary Disqualification Aichi - Society(I was using clothes, school lunch fees collected from parents, etc for pachinko or raceboat)

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Headline news on July 13, 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log