Simplified Lamborghini with reduced information amount after 3D modeling

I will introduce the Lamborghini designed by cutting out information from images captured with a 3D scanner. If an unknown person sees it, it is somewhat unknown object, but if you like it you may be able to discern that this line is Lamborghini.

Details are as below.
Surface information of Lamborghini scanned and captured.

I will gradually reduce the amount of information.

Then it seems to be like this.

When it is put to the real world it becomes like this.

Smart smartness is as ever.

It looks like a giant ore chunk.

An image of simplified information is easy to grasp. As you eliminate automobile curves and fine slits, it seems that the part represented by the white line remains.

This is a shoe manufacturer'sUNITED NUDEThe project site named "Lo Res Project" has been made to be able to see images of high-heeled shirts and other information.
United Nude - Lo Res Project

in Vehicle,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log