Animation depicting the battle of beautiful samurai fans "Hyakka flower rumors Samurai Girls" Start of Fall Broadcasting, DVD 0 Volume reservation acceptance begins

In 2009Hobby JapanCelebrated its 40th anniversary, as a memorial project "Hundred flowers"Started.

As a media mix project, a novel (author: Akira Suzuki, picture: Ni)) has been published from the HJ bunka, as well as a figure by Alter and a web comic on the official website (work: Fuuka Chillo) , From autumn 2010TV anime "Hyakka Ryoran Samurai Girls" will be broadcastIt was decided. Prior to this, the DVD Volume 0 will be released in August, and the reservation began on June 25.

Details are as below
Samurai Girls

"Hundred flowers rampant" is a sexy action where the samurai who crowned warrior of the Warring States period and the name of the swordsmen rampage on a gigantic school. Also "Hobby Japan"Queen's BladeIt might be easy to understand if you imagine a battle x sexy like.

The work story looks like the following.

Times are Seiji Years. The Tokugawa shogunate who governs the great Japan for a long time opened a gigantic school "Takeo (Fuo) school cram school" at the base of Mt. Fuyumi Fuji, the children of the samurai gathered and daily studies and martial arts to take on the next generation of Dainippon I was struggling with it.
For high school students going to school and girls appearing before the teacher of Yagyu Dojo, Mr. Yujiro Muneo.
A young girl falling from the sky with nakedness, Yagyu Jubei. Mr. Yukimura Sanada and Toyotomi Gotoh who is hostile to the student council. Student council president, Yoshihiko Tokugawa's younger sister and Ms. Sugoro's childhood friend Tokugawa Chiko and Senhime and his follower, student council chairperson's glasses daughter ninja, Hattori Hanzo. Beautiful samurai gathering under Sōro.
Is it a coincidence that we meet with them? Or is it inevitable! Is it?
Yukimura 's "black shadow covering the great Japan" that I foreseeed, "The Spirited Away" where students disappear one after another, at the same time, the mystery of the little girl "Yagyu Jubei" that came down from the sky.
The speculation of Yukihiko Tokugawa, the student council president who is absolutely powerful at the top of the school.
And what is the sword princess (master samurai) that has saved the crisis that he visited many times in Dainippon by its absolute ability! Is it?
The encounter between Meguro and girls is the beginning of a new upheaval that shakes the history of Japan! It is!
Now the battle of the beautiful samurai begins! It is! It is!

The appearance character is below.

Yagyu Jyube (CV: Yuki Aki)
Suddenly, a mysterious beautiful girl who fell naked from the sky of school cram school. Despite having no memory until then, he gave himself "Yagyu Jubei" and called Souro for some reason "Older brother". Bright and innocent personality, do not be afraid to anyone. Another personality wakes up by Souro's "power" (= kiss) and releases a tremendous number of secrets. "

Yujiro Mune (CV: Daisuke Hirakawa)
A high school student who is enrolled in Musashi Gakujuku. As the next-generation owner of the Yagyu family who has served as the swordsmen's director of the Tokugawa shogun's for over 400 years, he is a teacher of the Swords Dojo "Yagyu Dojo". The skill of the sword is first grade. It also excels at the ability as a commander, and gives an accurate instruction in battle. While it is friendly to everyone, it keeps touching each other without distinction, but also has the strength of will to not give in to absurdity.

Yukimura Sanada (CV: Rie Kugimiya)
"Toyotomi way" the best acquaintance. I feel a premonition that something dangerous in Japan is approaching, I advise the Tokugawa student council, but I received a wanted order by the shogunate due to a crime. Although he is a confident house whose arrogant behavior is conspicuous, he has intelligence and gallantry to match it. A childhood figure and a large forehead are complex.

Tokugawa thousand (CV: Misako Sumiko)
The younger sister of the student council president "Tokugawa Yoshihiko" who will supervise "Mushiro Gakujuku". As a student council vice chairman, the princess of Tokugawa Muneya. Known as "Senhime". Its selfishness is also a transcendent lady. It is slightly S-like. The skill of Naginata is expert grade. Though it is worrisome a lot about Muneo who is a childhood friend, it is a year when I can not become obedient. "

Goto Kazuyoshi (CV: Yu Kobayashi)
It is a follower of Yukimura who is always acting with Yukimura. She is a big but taciturn, but in fact she is a person who can give fine attention. He also acts sincerely against his lord Yukimura. In addition, there is also one side that is familiar such as good at cooking. Although he was puzzled by the nickname "Bett's" attached to Jubei, he looked like a favorite.

Hattori Hanzo (CV: Saeko Goto)
Committee chairman of the Student Council Executive Committee. Kinuo wearing eyeglasses maid-style battle clothes. He leads a moral committee composed only of women. Familiar personality, obscene behavior is immune and prejoicing. Lily and moody. The loyalty to Senhime is high, but it seems to have embarrassed emotions in addition to that.

Charles de Dartanian (CV: Ami Koshimizu)
Foreign students from France. Samurai of blonde blonde fighting with two swords of huge double-edged sword (Claymore). The Student Council President, Yukihiko Tokugawa is forced to make a master-slave relationship midway. Although it receives an unfriendly impression, originally it is a gentle personality to Hitoshi.

Naoe Kaneto (CV: Aki Toyosaki)
Believing "love" and fighting for "love", a self-stated love warrior. It seems that Yukimura is a childhood friend and has a shallow relationship. The person himself is seriously serious, but his actions always idle and he always steps on his stomach. Although his head is not bad, he is a user of "Naoe River Stone Mammography" which fights by wielding a gun more than the length of his body.

Yuzu Yagyu (CV: Kaoru Mizuhara)
Like Jubei, a mysterious girl who got an eyepatch came down from the school. Apparently from that name it seems to be related to Mr. Sourou .... Apparently the character seems pervert! Is it?

Tokushige Yoshihiko (CV: Takahiro Sakurai)
It is the student council president who controls Mukushiro Gakujuku, and each is a person who becomes a general of the great Japanese by succeeding the family members of the Tokugawa family. It has a long body that exceeds 180 cm and long waist reaching the waist, and a supple muscle in its entire body. As a matter of fact, she pretends to be a character that does not have a grasp, but it is actually a lost person. While being a student, I will take great care of diplomacy with foreign countries. Currently staying in Paris with friendship with Dartanian.

By the way, the PV that was flowing at the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2010 is released on the official website, so that you can grasp the image of the work.

It is regrettably making it invisible, but it seems that uncensored video can be seen at DVD No. 0 volume.

DVD Vol. 0 Volume "Hyakka Hanabusa Samurai Girls Zero Volume Blooming Declaration! Blooming Chao Limited Edition!" Is one act: Transcendental beautiful Samurai Girls See here! "Gorgeous gorgeous initial ♥ Girls uncensored movie", Act Two: Samurai Girls love chew! Is it? "Cuddly and Chu! Love ♥ Uncensored Movie", Three Actors: Popular voice actors teach Iloilo "Blooming! Girls Talk ♥ Super Technobal !!" (Cast: Yuki Akira, Daisuke Hirakawa , Rie Kugimiya, Rika Kanbayashi, Yu Kobayashi, Satoshi Goto) and released from Media Factory at 1500 yen (tax included). Comic Market from 8/13 (Friday) to 15 (Sunday) 78 It is sold in limited quantities at the Media Factory booth, and starting from nationwide sales from 8/25 (Wednesday) (limited quantity). The reservation reception has started from 6/25 (Friday).

8/29 (Sun)Chara Hobi 2010OVA "Queen's Blade beautiful fighters"A collaborative talk show will also be held. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of sexy actions can be seen.

◆ Main staff
Original: Akira Suzuki "Hyakka Hanbun" (HJ Bunko / Hobby Japan)
Character original plan: Ni θ
Directed by: KOBUN
Series composition: Ryunosuke Kinugi
Character design · total drawing director: Tsutomu Miyazawa
Art director: Higashi Junichi
Art setting: Toshiki Aoki, Eiko Inagaki
Color setting: Miyuki Abe
Director of Photography: Shigeru Asakawa
Edit: Jun Takuma
Acoustic director: Kawahito Meida
Music: Tatsuya Kato
Music production: Lantis
Produce: Jenko
Production: Arms
Production: Hyakka Hanbushi Partners

© 2010 Suzuki Akira · Ni θ · Hobby Japan / Hundred Hana Robust Partners

in Anime, Posted by logc_nt