Continuous full inning appearance record of Tetsuhin Kanemoto Tomonari breaks at 1492 games

Professional baseball·Hanshin TigersHe is active inKimoto Chimon(Tomoaki) Outfielder has a nickname of "Tetsujin" and has been playing full inning since July 21, 1999, but in order to finish recordting off the stamen in April 18 against Yokohama became. Continental full competition in the field1492 gamesWorld Record.

The second record in Japan is Hanshin'sHidefumi MiyakeBecause it is 700 games in the record of the infielder, it can be seen how much wonderful record is that 1492 consecutive full inning appearances.

Details are as below.
Daily Sports Kanemoto Continuous Full Inning Stops stopping ... Hitting eight times

Kanemoto is from Hiroshima, joined from Hiroshima High School through Tohoku Welfare University in 1992 and joined Hiroshima Toyo Carp at the fourth place in the draft. Although he showed active as Japanese national team of Japanese baseball in college days, in the first year he participated in five games and started with 3 batters 0 hits 2 strikeout and the current appearance was unthinkable.

It began to show its success in 1994 from the third year of joining, became one of the main force of Hiroshima from 1995, and since Satoshi Eto, who was the main force in 2000, moved to the Yomiuri Giants by FA, It began to be appointed. In 2003, he moved to Hanshin by FA and contributed to the league championship, and since that time he became a pillar of the team as the main point of immovable. However, there was also an influence of surgery on the knee after the end of the 2008 season, 2009 was the worst batting rate after the Hanshin Transfer.261, the number of homeruns stayed at 21, and in 2010 he lost his shoulder further because he hurt his right shoulder Results are sluggish at around 10%. In the game on April 18, he said that he told himself to be out of the stamen.

Continuing full innings began in the Hiroshima era on July 21, 1999, on April 9, 2006 it is a major league recordCal RipkenAchieved 904 games consecutive full innings to beat the players' 903 consecutive full inning appearances. Ultimately the records were extended to 1492 games. Kanemoto has been injured several times during this period as a condition to continue playing from the first inning of the game all the way to the end, but Kanemoto has been playing without doing substitution with pinch hitting or defensive consolidation It continued.

By the way, the contest competition has continued as a result of a pinch hit to the game on April 18th, and this is the record of the active first in 1638 games since July 10, 1998 In the 2215 games of Kinugasa Shoo, the world record is 2632 games of Kal Ripken.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt