I compare McDonald's "NEW Toratorima motomochi buns" which the buns became fluffy with the usual Teriyaki burger and compare it

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Today from Monday, April 5, "NEW Torita Motomochi Vans" was released at McDonald 's, so I bought it and ate it and tried it.

As the improved buns are ridiculous, I also bought ordinary Teriyaki burger and compared, I clearly understood the obvious difference of the buns.

Details are as below.McDonald's Japanese (Nippon) taste | Menu information | McDonald's Japan

Pop at the store. It is the first release of "McDonald's Japanese taste" series.

Although it seems rather strange to hear "Mexican taste" at McDonald's, the lineup seems to be that Ryo Ishikawa will swing while crying "Let's eat!" Next to "NEW Torita Motomochi Vans", "NEW Gomay Firreo Gamama Buns" will be released in late April, "Chikenta Tutta" will be released from mid-May.

I bought it for the number of people who wanted to do quiet editing. As McDonald's adopts regional prices, prices vary depending on the shops, but for the reference I bought this one was 340 yen.

A mountain of Torata.

The package is very springy.

Sourcing sauce! Teriyaki's takeaway is a bit difficulty, is not it?

When viewed from the side, the appearance of the buns is outright ambiguous. It's like a scone broken tummy, it is a buns that looks plump as well.

Lettuce with mayonnaise perfect. As I tried eating it was pretty chewy, so it seems that the parts close to the core are often used.

The egg part where the edge is solid brown.

Patty seems as usual.

With the moisture of the sauce and ingredients, the lower buns were much moist.

Looking at the cross section, you can understand the extra thickness of the buns again.

Thicker things are thick as you see from the side.

I feel the buns bigger than this illustration. In McDonald 's merchandise, things that surpass the illustrations and product photographs are rare.

As I tried eating, the buns' mouthfeel was extruded all the way, and I felt like I was eating a sandwich instead of a hamburger. Because the egg white part and the buns are tagging up as Pasapathas personnel, careful attention as the inside of the mouth falls into an emergency as "Fumo Fum! There is not much presence of Sauce and Patty, it may be the reason that the taste of egg and mayonnaise is strong is also strengthening the feeling of sandwich. Anyway, for a person who likes usual Territory, you may feel a sense of something that you would like to order as "Tsuyaku!" But personally, as usual taste was a bit salty and not good, so this one It was easy to eat.

Continued, this is usual Teriyaki burger.

After seeing "NEW Toratorima motomochi buns" it looks like a tremendously peppery. Since there are no eggs here, the bulk of that is decreasing, but obviously the buns of the previous one was plump.

Lettuce is also feeling less. Compared to the previous "NEW Toritama Motomochi Vans", it is a feeling of touch, a touch of peppering.

Patty is probably the same thing.

The bottom buns is still moist. Impression that sauce is sticky with source.

The cross section is somewhat compact.

It's compact as I thought from the side.

The taste spreads all over the mouth with the taste of the Teriyaki burger you all know, the guts of the sweet sauce that is full of it. Imagine this taste with a mackerel with a crispy sauce and eat new items and eat a little shoulder watermark, so this seems to be eating this as it is thought.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log