Catechin contained in green tea is also effective for prevention of eye diseases such as glaucoma

Included in green teaCatechinIs known for various physiological effects such as blood pressure elevation suppressing action, blood cholesterol regulating action, blood glucose level regulating action, antioxidant action, antiallergic action and so on. Many people think that they are habituating to drink green tea positively for health.

That tea catechin isGlaucomaHong Kong ophthalmologists and others have found that it is highly likely to be effective in prevention of eye diseases such as asthma and other eye diseases.

Details are as below.Green Tea May Protect Against Eye Diseases

Hong Kong·KowloonHong Kong Eye Hospital andnew worldofShataThe study by doctors at Prince of Wales Hospital in Prince of Wales Hospital is the first time to show that orally ingested green tea catechin reaches the eye tissue through the digestive tract. Details of the researchAmerican Chemical SocietyIt is published in issue of issue of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published in February 10, 2010 issue.

Catechin is contained in vitamin C, vitamin E, retinaLuteinYaZeaxanthinIf it is a substance that has antioxidant effect as well and if catechin contained in green tea drinking every day reaches eyes,Oxidative stressIt is effective to protect your eyes from.

Dr. Chi Pui Pang of Hong Kong Eye Hospital and colleagues and colleagues of Dr. Chi Pui Pang of the Hong Kong Eye Hospital etc. dissected the rats given the green tea extract for various periods to examine whether the orally ingested catechin reached the eyes and cut the amount of catechin contained in each tissue of the eye I inspected.

as a result,cornea·Lens·retina·Sclera / choroid·Vitreous body·Aqueous humorEach absorbed a considerable amount of individual catechinsevidenceI discovered. By way of example, the most absorbing gallocatechin is the retina, in aqueous humorEpigallocatechinIt was said that much was absorbed.

In addition, the time when the catechin concentration in the eye was the highest varied from 0.5 to 12.2 hours after ingestion, and the protective effect against oxidative stress was sustained for up to 20 hours after ingestion.

Whether or not this effect confirmed in rats can be manifested in humans has not been clarified yet, Dr. Chi Pui Pang et al. And colleagues say, "Our research results indicate that ingestion of green tea is effective for protecting eyes from oxidative stress It is suggesting that it is "It is suggested."

Improve immunity,It is effective for keeping beautiful skinAnd because it is green tea, people who want to keep their eyes healthy forever will be effective for eye healthGreen vegetables, fat fresh fish etc.Trying to actively ingest with it may not be damaging.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log