Data restorer publishes 2009 version of HDD recovery statistics data which hard disk is dangerous

(Photo byScoobay)

Data recovery service giant "Japan Data Technology"Classified as more than 40,000 hard disks (HDD) that requested data recovery request in 2009, PC maker, external drive manufacturer, hard disk manufacturer, manufacturing year, etc.2009 Hard Disk Data Recovery StatisticsWe announced.

From statistics "How hard will the HDD be broken from manufacturing?"Which year is the HDD manufactured in which year?Since it posted information such as "It may be better to check also to protect your data. In addition to users who are using old HDDs, users who purchased 2008 HDDs seem to need to pay particular attention.

Details are as below.
2009 Hard Disk Data Recovery Statistics | Japan Data Technology

It is like this when classifying equipment brought in Japan data technology to data restoration request by shape. While the desktop PC and the notebook computer are 21.3% and 19.7%, it seems that 32.3% of the external type HDD of the USB type or LAN connection type appears to protrude, but the user himself detached from the device and carried only the HDD Because the ratio has reached 26.2%, the result will change depending on the equipment to which the brought in HDD was attached.

Percentage of desktop manufacturers. DELL, Apple, NEC are the top three. By the way, these data are story of "number of items brought in", so it is not directly linked to the failure rate because it is considered that there are many cases inevitably brought in as many products as manufacturers with high market share.

Ratio by laptop computer. NEC, Toshiba and Sony are in turn.

Buffalo accounts for 54.1% of the external HDD, and in the form that IO data continues at 21.9%.

By HDD size. 3.5 inches is 64.2%, 2.5 inches is 34.2%.

3.5 inches ratio by manufacturer.

This 2.5-inch ratio by manufacturer is like this. By the way, Toshiba is the No. 1 share in the 2.5 inch HDD,Fujitsu acquired HDD business in 2009, And the position of No. 1 is becoming stronger.

Percentage of manufacturing HDD by year. There are the most HDDs made in 2005 that seems to have reached the end of their life expectancy, and it seems that 2010 will be brought in a lot of 2006 made HDDs. It seems that it is necessary to take measures such as frequently backing up users who use the corresponding HDD. Clearly compared to made in 2007 or made in 2009 it is a place where you are concerned about the large number of failures in HDD made in 2008.

HDD manufacturing year and maker transition. HDD made in 2008,There was a firmware problem SeagateAs well as Western Digital and Samsung HDD failures have increased somehow, HDD made in 2008 is pointed out by Japanese data technology possibility of so-called "losing".

Also, Seagate had been at a very low rate despite the fact that the number of items to be brought in was ranked fifth, seventh, and fifth in 2004, but it was the world's largest share, but announced the acquisition of Maxtor 2005 The result is that the number of items gradually introduced will increase after the year.

It is difficult to understand because the number of products made in 2008 is so large, but when you look at these statistics, the number of failures will start to increase as the number of years elapses since the HDD was manufactured, in about 4 years Because it reaches the peak of the number of failures, it seems that it is necessary to frequently perform backups and transfer to a new HDD in order not to lose important data.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log