The way an engineer thinks, acrobatic drinking

It is a picture that the men have been spinning drinking in a way that has changed considerably in the way that the engineers are exposed with the touch that they are drinkers.

Although it seems to be showing off the acrobatics per body for the amateur eye, it probably is a very efficient method based on a careful plan.

Details are as below.
Epic Win FTW »Engineers, They Love To Drink

This is a picture of the problem. The man grabs four glasses deftly and finally drinks while adjusting the angle to the dexterity so that it reaches his mouth. As if by yourselfChampagne · TowerIt is a sight as if you are making. I would also think that it would be better to drink at once with a big mug, etc., but is it that you should not drink without an ingenuity as an engineer.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log