A dolphin fishing movie in which it is known that a wonderful intelligence is high
Complex communication using pulse sounds,Used for military purposesIt is a dolphin known for being very intelligent, but it is a movie supplementing fish with its intelligence.
We use high-level techniques to fish herds of fish in a certain way and to jump out of the sea.
The movie is from the following.
I shot the sea from the sky. A lot of mysterious circles can be confirmed on the sea surface, but this is where the dolphins are fishing.
When I look closely at the movement of dolphins, I am rolling up the sand at the bottom of the sea with a tail.
Finally, the rolled sand is rounded. It seems that we use sea-bottom sand as net and collect a group of fish.
Looking from a remote viewpoint like this. Dolphins are gathering in the center of the circle.
Where the fish collected got out of the place and jumped out to the sea surface
Dolphin catching fish for deer and eating
Some fish that seems to have entered the mouth of the dolphin by myself
I am swimming all over feeling after eating. Click here for the movie playback.
YouTube - Life: Bottlenose dolphins mud - ring feeding
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