Abstract paintings that you can understand by gesture what is drawn

It is an artwork that seems like an abstract painting in which there are no objects and only colors are arranged, and in fact it represents a game. It is drawn considerably simplified, but with the level of coming to a pin for those who know it, I can understand the greatness of the human brain's cognitive ability.

Details are as below.
Each detail is not drawn, but I can understand what kind of objects are from color etc.

Although it is a masterpiece of the past year, if an unknown person sees it may look like a human face.

It can be seen as a work depicting a yellow bug or a train, but it is a reality game.

It is just a line of colored squares, but you can recognize that it is a game properly.

The above work is a work by Laser Bread from Georgia State, and other works are to be seen from the following.

Flickr: Laser Bread's Photostream

By the way the content you are drawing is the following game.

"Donkey Kong"
YouTube - Donkey Kong Kill Screen on Level 22

"Dig dug"
YouTube - DIG DUG original arcade gameplay ROUND 1 to 15

"Missile command"
YouTube - Missile Command [1980] Arcade Video Games

"Space Invaders".
YouTube - Space Invaders Arcade

in Video,   Game,   Art, Posted by darkhorse_log