Ryo Mizuno and Hitoshi Sakimoto will be inviting 20 people from GIGAZINE to the TGS 2009 "Arcadia Saga" event
Tokyo Game Show 2009, MMORPG "Arcadia Saga"Will perform a special talk event by welcoming Mr. Ryo Mizuno of the supervisor and Mr. Hitoshi Sakimoto, who is in charge of music, as guests. As a special reporter reporting this event, 50 people have already been invited from those who applied for the "Arcadia Saga" beta test, but this timeWe invite 20 people from GIGAZINE readersTo do.
Details of the event and application method are as follows.
At the Tokyo Game Show 2009, we decided to hold a special talk event!
"BitCash Presents" Arcadia Saga "Special Talk Event" will be held at the Tokyo Game Show 2009 event stage. The contents are Katsuyuki Tashiro, director of NHN Japan Corporation, Masato Ochi Senior Executive Officer, Mr. Masato Ochi, Mr. Michio Otchi, Gonzo Rosso producer Gonzo Rosso Producer, Mr. Hitoshi Sakimoto who was in charge of music of the game, Mr. Ryo Mizuno of supervisor Participating and talk show spreading. Future schedule, development stories, attractiveness of Arcadia Saga etc are talked.
The event is scheduled for 30 minutes from 13:10 on September 25 (Friday) on the second day of Tokyo Game Show 2009. Here we invite 20 people from GIGAZINE readers. Eligibility isPeople who have a blog or are using SNS and introduce the contents of this event. Application method is the application address "Gigazine-tgs@arcadiasaga.com"What,mail address,Name,Birthday,Your blog name or URL or the name of the SNS you use(4 items are mandatory items, if it is not specified, it will be excluded from winning). The application period is until September 18 (Friday).
For visitors, original goods will be presented as well as original BitCash card (500 yen) at the venue. Please note that this invitation is limited to the event stage, so you can not visit other events or booths.
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in Game, Posted by logc_nt