A dog's movie that flames like a flamethrower

A pretty dog ​​is shown in the above picture, but in fact this dog seems like a horrible dog with firepower equal to a flame radiator. If such a dog appears in front of you, it is very dangerous and you have to escape. It is hard to imagine if a dog says flames are coming out, but how do you emit flames?

Details are from the following.
YouTube - Little dog. Big surprise.

The dog and owner take a walk on a peaceful street with trees.

The dog became a dress to add a purpose.

I think that urinate comes out, a flame at the flamethrower level! It is!

Great firepower.

The owner makes it natural.

It is unexpectedly long ...

It seems it has ended.

A face like 'Go on go'.

The burn mark is supposed to be bad.

This is an overseas website that posts various information on petsWebvetIn an advertisement movie of real, the actual dog should not fire such flames.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log