Trailer of Autumn's new anime "Seiken no Blacksmith"
Popular light novel series Seiken no Blacksmith by Isao Miura is to be adapted to a TV anime series this autumn, produced by Manglobe of Samurai Champloo and Michiko to Hatchin. A trailer came out on the official website.
Read on for details and pics.
(Japanese)Seiken no Blacksmith Official Site
Several decades from the fierce "Substitute Agreement War" that shook the continent sacrificing great number...Cecily Campbell, member of the independent city Hausman's Order of Self-Defence, is saved by a boy called Luke Ainsworth in her terrible pinch. Luke was a blacksmith from outskirts of the city. Enchanted by the mysterious sword owned by Luke, Cecily asks him to create a new blade for her to replace her broken sword. Little does she know about the twisted fate of the Sacred Sword involving her since the moment she met him.
Seiken no Blacksmith : WORLD
YouTube - PV (The Sword Blacksmith Trailer)
Cecily Campbell, born to a former noble family in Hausman. She joined the Order after her father.
On the seventh avenue on the outskirts of Hausman, Luke Ainsworth runs his forge "Liza".
Lisa, a live-in assistant of Luke.
Aria, whom Cecily is appointed to guard.
There's a battle scene in the last half of the trailer.
Directed by Masamitsu Hidaka of Linebarrels of Iron, series composition by Masashi Suzuki of Kanokon. Produced by anime studio Manglobe known for Samurai Champloo.
Original Story: Isao Miura
Director: Masamitsu Hidaka (Linebarrels of Iron, Pocket Monster)
Series Composition: Masashi Suzuki (Shuffle!, Kanokon)
Original Character Design: Luna (illustrator of Seiken no Blacksmith, Joto. series)
Character Design: Jun Nakai (Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho, Samurai Champloo, Michiko to Hatchin)
Production: Manglobe (Samurai Champloo, Ergo Proxy, Michiko to Hatchin)
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