Tragedy of the fox who hungry and thrust his head into a small bottle

It seems that a fox has been discovered in a garden of a certain residence where the bottle can not be taken off his head. This fox seems to have been very hungry, and he seems to think that he wanted to talk about anything and thrust his face into the bottle.

Details are from the following.
Pictured: The cub who got his head stuck when he was out foxed by a jar | Mail Online

I was informed that there was a serious fox in the city of Ilford, Essex, EnglandRSPCA (Royal Animal Abuse Prevention Association)When Susan of the staff of the company rushed to the scene, he found a fox whose head could not enter the small bottle. This fox named Fizzle was very hungry, he said he was licking something in the bottle and his head can not be pulled out.

Fizzle when it was found. By the way it seems to be unclear what was in the bottle.

Susan attempts to rescue Fizzle.

Fuzzle rescued safely 20 minutes after Susan rushed. Although he was dehydrated, she did not have any serious injuries.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log