Thirty thousand books "The Premium Calpis" will be freely distributed tomorrow, at three locations nationwide

It was revealed that Calpis will distribute a total of 30000 "The Premium Calpis" which was renewed at three places in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka on Tuesday, March 24th.

Also, on the same day, an event interlocking plan will also be implemented.

Details are as below.
Calpis: The Premium Calpis | Event Information

According to the event information page of Calpis, as sampling of "The Premium Calpis" renewed from 11:30 am on March 24 (Tuesday) tomorrow, two samples of "The Premium Calpis" in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya Will be distributed to each 5000 people.

On the same day, along with "The Premium Calpis", which was a set of two, the leaflet with product information is put in the original paper bag and will be distributed. In addition, event interlocking projects are also carried out at three radio stations in various places, and live reports from the sampling venue are broadcasted as well.

By the way it is a venue in various places, TokyoAoyama Diamond HallBefore space, OsakaDear Mall OsakaDies Square, NagoyaMeitetsu Department Store men's pavilionIt is a front space.

in Note,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log