Headline news on March 4, 2009

LEXUSFrom March 26 IS special specification car "Red-edge Black InteriorWe announced that we will release only 500 units. Based on IS350 and IS250 based on the finest leather semi-aniline leather seats, special interior color "Black & Noble Red" is adopted, and seat, door trim, real leather wrapped steering etc. are dedicated red stitching, accented It seems to be an interior design. The recommended retail price (consumption tax included) is IS 550 5,160,000 yen, IS 250 is 2,480,000 yen for two-wheel drive, and 4,550,000 yen for 4 wheel drive.

So, tomorrowMarch 5. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on March 5th one year ago.

Free anti virus software capable of real-time scanning "Moon Secure Antivirus" - GIGAZINE

The virus on the screen falls according to gravity "NEWTON VIRUS" - GIGAZINE

Whether the live-action movie version "Dragon Ball" will be postponed significantly, will it be screening next year - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news."Totoro's house" Fire, kerosene broken evidence "News i - TBS video news site(Suginami-ku Asagaya Kitan's vacant house introduced by society, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, "Totoro is likely to live"

Suppression of symptoms of Alzheimer's → Treatment of efficacy of herbal medicine ... Osaka University Group: News: Medical and nursing care: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Medicine, childhood night cry, hallucinations and delusions such as Alzheimer's disease are also prescribed in the peripheral symptoms "Yoka-yakka (good kan)")

HIV infected persons over 50 years old, surging all over the world WHO international news: AFPBB News(Because medical care is still recognized as a disease of young people, AIDS examination is not common among elderly people)

YouTube, Symphony Orchestra members announced 90 international news: AFPBB News(About 90 pro-amers of over 30 countries in the world who passed international and submitted video auditions)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Not guilty of defendants taking narcotic methylons "I did not recognize illegitimate" - Society(Society, before legislation was said to be "a more legitimate drug than MDMA")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Opinions on the Oasis' Chinese performance stoppage Tibetan support circulation authority decision - International(Entertainment, members were participating in the Tibetan support concert in the past)

Emma Watson of "Harry Potter" passed Yale University and Cambridge University - Cinema Today(Entertainment, which one will go on to unknown)

Michael Jackson interviewed in London, formal announcement of the resurrection concert or international news: AFPBB News(Entertainment,auctionBidding also started and something and topic Michael)

Railway enthusiast will also be pleased "Cruising alarm clock" | Excite News(Gadget, "Emergency stop button" to stop alarm)

Person who can not press shutter with digital camera "smile recognition" | Excite News(Gadget, do you need to see it with a smile so far?)

"Farewell to AV actress, Ai Iijima in T-back": Isa!(Entertainment, synchronized AV actresses "Another Memorial Ceremony in Kabukicho")

Toyota, borrowing a cargo ship to keep stock car Sweden International News: AFPBB News(Inventory vehicles exceed the capacity limit due to economic and global automobile sales slump)

Applauded to foreigners who came over fond of Perfume applauding [Nico Nico Douga this week] | Trend | Free video GyaO [gao] |(Note, "thispenguin is about Americans who have become overly crazy because they like Perfume things")

Ozawa, where are you going now ...(Memo, parody of job advertisement that became a topic)

For girls' students to forsake maid clothes, club activities "cinema society" ... Akita · Odate high teacher: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, "If you do not wear, you will not do unit of national language" and forced to wear maid dress)

Workplace Before after: In a paradise of a programmer into a stormy attic: Life hacker [Japan version], Life hack full of information blog · media full of work and life(I feel like a melancholy feeling comforting a memo, an uncomfortable workplace will ease)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Goto Kudan went on to challenger Shogi masterpieces, against Hanyu masterpieces - Culture(Shogi, Masataka Kondo (37) challenged Yuji Hanyu (38))

FNN News: Three French boys arrested for resale such as game machines shoplifted at home electronics retailers in Tokyo / Akihabara(16-year-old boy who tells the incident, "Japanese people prefer not to trust people easily")

FNN news: arrested a robber for assaulting a man who steals and chases a man in the garden in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo(Incident, I will add about six times to a 72-year-old man who has been chasing for 20 minutes)

FNN News: "Starbucks", the first instant coffee sales launched since 1971 foundation(Economy, Starbucks shrinking stores due to recession)

FNN News: In the coldness of freezing temperatures in the United States and New York, each sea bathing fancy dreams(Overseas, people wearing clothes as a matter of course as a matter of course and those preparing gymnastics with suspicious court appearance)

FNN News: "Michelin Guide" French version 100 contents released Present Asia The third is "Osaka version"(3rd in Asia next to food, "Tokyo version", "Hong Kong · Macao version")

"Gachaponpatsu" that can remodel the remaining HDD in 10 seconds!(Connection kit for using gadget, built-in HDD as external HDD of USB connection)

[Mac] Tips for m9 ('Д`) who feel that Firefox has become strangely heavy recently - Japonium βlog(IT, disable add-ons not used etc.)

What is a "click jacking" attack that affects all major browsers(IT, about an attack called "click jacking" to take over the click operation on the Web browser)

Shinji Kosai, Professor Emeritus, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., French Literature: Oyami: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, February 23, died of esophageal cancer, 76 years of age, known as a translation of Morpassan 's lifetime' Jido 'Narrow Gate')

"Carbon footprint" indication, experimental release News i - TBS video news site(Displays the amount of carbon dioxide issued in all processes including environmental procurement, production, distribution, sale, etc. from products)

Bill · Gates home "iPhone" ban: Mr. Melinda found out in an interview (WIRED VISION) - goo news(Overseas, children are trying to make the same experiences as ordinary children as much as possible, but iPod and iPhone are banned)

The heath of the late Heath · leisure "The imagination of Dr. Parnassas" Distribution can not be found and DVD production? - Cinema Today(The possibility that it is not understood by the audience for the topic work because of the film, an experimental work by director Terry Gilliam)

Conclusion and consolidation of national universities draft - Chikirin's diary(Notes, consolidation proposal which seems to be selling quarrels in rural areas)

Misawa 's hell "Honorable Famous Famous Collection"(Memo, "Even without a stamen goes out to the game, that's the rule of my flow")

Unknown 17 years ago · Yokohama's 8 years old, this is what it looks like this ... painter is a portrait: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, Mr. Nomura who was missing while heading for a calligraphy class near the house from home on October 1, 1991)

DREAM C CLUB (Dream Club)(Game, cabacula version of X 360 "Idol Master")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Arrested for vagrant allegation "Illegal" Reversal to a defendant using stimulant drugs Innocence - Society(Law, violation of misdemeanorial law when wandering without working to work)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Tokyo University, the meeting aims to harmonize work and living until 5 pm - Society(For securing social and female researchers)

【Ozawa national interview report (1)】 "(Investigation is unfair national power, exercise of prosecutor's power" (1 / 2page) - MSN Sankei News(Politic, in response to the arrest of the public first secretary for alleged violation of the Political Funds Control Law)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): Hitachi Introduces 'Unpaid Holidays' Proposed to Unions on Weekday 1st of every Week(Economy, monthly wage is expected to decrease by 3-5%)

Goethe, in the 120 yen era? : Nikkei Business Online(Society, "Will coin putting in" be a dead word?)

【第 59 回】 People who quit the company are not similar types? : Nikkei Business Online(Society, people who quit tends to be thought of as "people who do not know well")

"Domestic work is also a wonderful job" - Kamidageto(Life, doctor's response is excellent)

【2ch】 New speed quality: When you realize the recession(Society, many familiar examples are coming out)

The cell phone circumstances in the late teens heard from mobile users' real girls high school girls(It seems that the net, "Boom of" Prof "has already passed)

Housing Protected Households Record High: News: Medical and Nursing Care: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, 1,156,930 households as of December last year)

Toyota Kyushu: 1,000 temporary staff dispatched criticism for permanent employees "Dispatched off" - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Society, because the inventory adjustment is likely to succeed in March)

"Zero watt PC" that does not consume electric power during standby: ITpro(IT, if you own 2,500 PCs you can relieve $ 40,000 electricity related expenses per year)

Microsoft enters the Behavioral Targeting Advertising Market: ITpro(Internet, one that delivers advertisements based on past web page browsing history)

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Headline news on 3 March 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log