A hat made using the whole dead body of a large number of rats

When it comes to rats, besides the character of a certain theme park, there is a bad image from taking food and filthiness, but there seems to be some people who made fashion production using such rats' corpses.

The image of the hat is as follows. Please be careful as some people may have discomfort.
Headdress made of mice and rat carcasses | Metro.co.uk

This is a hat made with the corpse of a mouse. It looks like just fur, but if you look closely you can see that the shape of the head remains.

It was French designer Charlie Le Mindu who made this hat with only the eye part. "Everyone does not necessarily like rats, but they are beautiful, I think this hat is really cute, it would be better to make it more beautiful than letting snakes eat, by the way I am a vegetarian Mindu, 22, is said to have answered.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log