The real thing Santa is doing while sleeping

As soon as Christmas the children are looking forward to receiving Santa's gift, but if something has happened in the house the following morning after Christmas, it is Santa It may be the trace that Ms. was coming. Santa not only places gifts but seems to be doing a variety of things.

Let's see the actual situation of Santa we do not know.

Details are from the following.
What Santa REALLY Does While You're Asleep -

I can laugh at seeing something I do not want to see(HEMORRHOID CREAM is a hemorrhoid drug)

Better underwear ...

I put on reindeer and play

I drink alcohol on my own

Make a fort and play

Relaxing while watching TV

Piss the tree

Scribble on the face

To drink even more

Play pets as a substitute for reindeer

Spit in socks

Let's be careful of Santa this Christmas.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log