Details of EeePC with Microsoft's new OS "Windows 7" revealed

Microsoft's new OS following GIGAZINE following Windows Vista"Windows 7" to support low price laptop computersI told you the details, the details became clear.

Apparently it seems that EeePC with Windows 7 is decided to be released.

Details are as follows.
Huawei unveils Windows 7-enabled 3.5G mobile modules

According to this article, at the Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) in Huawei, a Chinese company handling communication terminals in Taiwan, Microsoft's new OS "Windows 7" developed with the specialization of 3G mobile phones for high speed data communication I madeHSDPA"Or"CDMA 2000 1x EV-DORepresented by "3.5G mobile phoneIt is said that it supports supporting the built-in communication module.

And on that, along with the arrival of Windows 7, it is said that personal computers incorporating the communication module of the 3.5th generation mobile phone will be released, and ASUS deploying the EeePC series also decided to install Huawei's communication module on EeePC And that.

Huawei also intends to strengthen cooperation with each telecommunications company in order to take advantage of the fact that its communication module is installed.

By the way Huawei is supplying communication terminals to e-Mobile in Japan, and e-MobileTo sell ASUS's EeePC etc as a set with its own communication terminalConsidering that the EeePC with Windows 7 built-in high-speed communication module may also be released with a set of e-mobile communication services.

in Note,   Mobile,   Software,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log