"Super Tri-Dimensional MASK-MAN" will save you from viruses and hay fevers

Even the strongest man sometimes drops his guard. And the fatal viruses and allergens never miss the moment. It sneaks in from every gaps and openings of your body, causes you dinus, fever and headache.
"Super Tri-Dimensional MASK-MAN", a hero wearing a secure fit mask will help you fill the gap.
Read on for detail.
(Japanese)Super Dimensional MASK-MAN - Fill every gaps in Japan!
Dr. Skimmer(named after sukima, a gap), an evil genius trying to implant the evil mind on people from the gap.

The evil reign never last long. Super easy-breathing filter gives MASK-MAN a perfect guard.

Official site has a story line in Marvel comic style. Hey, doesn't MASK-MAN resemble Captain America?

MASK-MAN telling us how to avoid the entrance of viruses.

Having fear of cold? Better follow MASK-MAN.
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