Former Tokyo university student who was arrested for writing to kill the directors of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology within a week, followed by its identity and trajectory

I write a real name of the bureaucracy of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, "I will stab the next person sequentially at that home within a week" on my own blog and announced the murderA 25-year-old former University of Tokyo student was reportedly arrestedBut what kind of blog was it?

It is not deleted yet at the present time and it can be read because it is left.

Access is from the following.
Current affairs dot com: Preliminary announcement of murder of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in blog = arrest of East Bachelor Degree in charge of intimidation - Metropolitan Police Department

Former university student university "University textbooks and different reality ..." advance notice of murder of Ministry of Education Ministry - MSN Sankei News (Asahi Shimbun): alleged intimidation of murder predictions of executives of the Ministry of Education in blogs, arrest of a 25-year-old man - a society

Arrested a man from Tokyo University with a blog allegedly threatening to kill officials of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Threat: Blog posts murder of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Tokyo University OB Arrest - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)

"Tenchu, Ministry of Education, Director General of Science and Technology" murdered by a man from Tokyo University arrested: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

I was using "Hatena diary". "November 10 was broadcast on NHK Special"Digital native ~ Young people who change the next generation ~In the position like Google in JapanBeing introducedThere was.

And the following is that blog.

2008-11-20 - White ~ From dominance of literature to control of logic ~

From the other day I wrote a notice of killing bureaucrats of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on 2ch, and this is me who made an article in the Mainichi Newspaper. In the 2 ch surrender, it is treated outside the crazy base, but I am extremely normal. The reason why I truly announce such a crime predictably is because the laws and information of this country is a bullshit and familiar with the fact that nothing is fruitful. In addition, motives for killing notice are truly intellectual things, the point is to teach children anything they do not care about and lies, operate children by deceiving children, and finally eat it in the system It is not to have a popular political and economic intention to eat Tenchu ​​against a cunning government official who is trying to do. Such an illogical ruling regime is eventually to deceive a child to manipulate it as convenient as an adult, betrayal against a child who seriously believed the ideal, it is extremely ugly. Virtually, nothing is legitimate on the regime side, and there is only the ability to do quibble and fortune. What they think is only one point of having no need to politicize children. It is a scum in the kudzu and should not be killed.

As of November 20th, Livedoor'sTrevian newsIt seems that it was linked in the temporary private mode, but it seems that it has been republished repeatedly by repeating various additions. The content as of November 20 is different from Vim Myo to the present.

As of November 20, 2008 09: 56
(Cache) 2008-11-20 - Durcheinander

As of November 29, 2008 at 19:58
(Cache) 2008-11-20 - White ~ From domination of letters to control of logic ~

Also on November 23, I wrote to the University of Tokyo about contents that can be taken as a notice of killing as follows.

2008-11-23 - White ~ From dominance of literature to control of logic ~

The chief of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the University of Tokyo should be killed.

When reading the contents written on the same day, it can be seen that he had a considerable dissatisfaction with the divergence between education and reality for himself received until becoming a University of Tokyo.

I also studied the teaching materials properly in the examination properly, I have taken a very wonderful knowledge system in mind but as the room changes, so to speak, the reality is not exactly in line with the textbook, and another shit It was moving with ugly logic like something. Especially the 2nd channel of the net is a malignant thing and it is of a nature that destroys everything learned at school. What on earth is this country? If teaching wonderful knowledge in education, there is no logic in society, if we rebuild school reality at a stroke, there is another logic and there is not anything justice. In short, as far as the actual situation is concerned, while you are at school, show the fiction in a textbook written by a scholar, direct the child to have ideal in society, and do the same at university and students know the reality riot It is the logic of Petten who keeps the spells so that it will not happen and notifies the reality after putting it in society. There will be no ugly fraud that violates the human rights of children and young people so much. Japanese adults are doing such malicious fraud in gross. How are they going to make excuses for those who seriously believed that fiction? Should it be possible to show a romantic lie and realize even a society where adults can work safely? Id: kouteika and others are ugly and old people who ridicule as "what sort of society they thought it was (lol)", and even if you look at the net, recently most Japanese are almost rotten I can not find it. Also, recently I heard that even civil servants are corrupt. Indeed this country does not intend to take any responsibility for what he is doing. How far is it going to end rotten?

Even in the statementThe feeling of being a fraud increased and I thought about making a harm. I did it all by myselfIt seems to be said that, apparently, such complaints seem to have accumulated considerably.

Furthermore, on the net, the trajectory until his broke in the last four years has been finely learned, and it is lightly summarized on the following page.

Memorandum on realiste 0

Also, it is speculated that the following blogs are also of him.

Blog to point out the logic failure of law

Also, there is an account that seems to belong to him even on "Twitter", and the update is stopped last time about 14 hours ago.

Twitter / realiste 0

The content being written is also quite radical, and it seems that he was also making a notice of killing of Representative Directors of Communications everyday.

06: 24 PM November 27, 2008 from web

I am repeating the preliminary notice of the crime that the police and prosecutors have deep meaning that it is a maggot woofing the literature on the back shield and not doing anything without having a law

05: 23 PM November 25, 2008 from web

I will kill officials of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The matter of time.

04: 49 PM November 25, 2008 from web

I want to kill bureaucrats with a bad stick.

06: 23 AM November 20, 2008 from web

Even if an official of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is given a preliminary notice of murder, he / she has as many ways to escape, so there is no harm caused by advance notice. The worry that they are foretold is that the location of evil can be revealed to the people. Asking the police is only to repress it. In other words, a bad person who uses a crime of disturbing business for another purpose.

06: 15 AM November 20, 2008 from web

Every day I will kill the representative director of Communications on the street

What on earth has he driven him so far ...?

in Note, Posted by darkhorse