Headline news on November 25, 2008
About 36% of respondents answered "I've looked up" to the question "Have you examined the gifts you got gifts and the prices of hot summer gifts"One in three people is checking the priceIt seems that we found out. However, "Since it was delicious, I studied the product in detail", "Since I liked it, I checked my thought" I have not received much opinion, purely "How much price did you send something" and "Reliability of the product" It is said that there are more people investigating.
Since gifts and medium-sized gifts are problems of feeling, it may be courtesy to have thankfully doing nothing badly.
So, tomorrowNovember 26. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on November 26, one year ago.
■"NHK Professional Working Fashion" Production Created behind the scenes - GIGAZINE
■Sony's new PSP achieves 1 million units sold in 2 months launch - GIGAZINE
■Body weight 3 tons at car height 4 m, Guigness certified world's huge bike - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■【Self-Research Survey Results】 Survey on the 2nd Consumption Behavior (Extra Edition) - Review Promotion, Points of Success is Time! Is it? - Voluntary Research Survey Results - Web Marketing Guide ┃Web Marketing Information Portal Site(Consumption, people who buy around reputation and usage situation is 21% in the layer of annual income 4 million yen to 6 million yen)
■Kuju elec- tricity temporarily suspended business, with NEC lease goods raising: News - CNET Japan(Electric store, period of suspension of business from November 21 to 25)
■How to spend Christmas, over 40% of single women eat "cake" - I share research(Note, there are not many people who are excited about 42% who are excited about asking people who have a lover "How do you feel about Christmas?")
■Apple has raised the speed of 2nd generation 'iPod touch': News - CNET Japan(Mobile, the first iPod touch and iPhone 3G use a processor that operates at 412 MHz, the second generation iPod touch uses a processor that operates at 532 MHz)
■Hatena renews "Hatena Bookmark": News - CNET Japan(Internet, "search" "favorite" "interface" is mainly improved)
■Painful news (No ∀ `): Arresting company employee who scattered 200 larvae in the Keihan Train ..." I wanted to see the woman's surprise by flapping his foot "(Note, a silly motive saying "I wanted to see the woman in surprise by flapping his legs")
■Blu-ray player, Outlook for unachieved goals - ITmedia News(Home electronics, the key to be held is the price of Blu-ray Disc and how flat-screen TVs are sold)
■"Read aloud sentences at the station as a punishment for being late" Video release on YouTube, President blog Flamingo - ITmedia News(While taking notes, criticism, the president does not appear to be saying "I will recruit for fun punishment")
■Symantec's underground report: $ 276 million, such as stolen personal information - actual market conditions of black market - ITmedia News(Cards and credit card information traded between 10 cents and 25 dollars)
■My juniors are angry! Popular cat station chief, objection to newspaper articles on blogs - ITmedia News(Memo, you seem to be dissatisfied with the phrase "stray cats station manager")
■Approximately 80% of students "Happy New Year" put out New Year's cards ... ... 50% - ITmedia News(Memo, often do not know each other's address)
■"ABC model" to move "people withdrawing at company": NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(Note, A is "Antecedents (trigger factor)", B is "Behavior", C is "Consequences")
■Why do youngsters rush to grow? Reasons to emphasize "my ability" rather than "company" | moderate Kamani way to grow young employees without letting them leave | Manual Diamond · Online(Note, the generation that grew up in a dark era has no image to grow both in the company and in the world, so we are aware that we are not dependent on the company and think only about honoring our abilities to pass wherever we go)
■Pursuit · Cosmetic surgery allegation! The face of that Ayumi Hamasaki is anxious: Saizo Woman(Performing arts, mentioning whether the director of the Takanashi Clinic who actually saw Ayu's snapshot is shaping or not)
■Until the transfer fraud ...... Troubled with Johnny's Shanghai concert successively! : Daily Saizo(In addition to performing arts and transfer fraud, Shanghai security such as camouflage tickets and savings are considered problematic)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): 60% of video shops in a private room do not receive monitoring of fire and evacuation facilities violation law - Society(In society, net cafe / manga cafe, there are about 42% of fireproof evacuation facility violation stores, and it has not penetrated yet)
■Matsui Hiden's WBC non-participation "decisions of the team" ... Yankees GM: Baseball General: Sports: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Baseball, Matsui's decision on thinking of his knees)
■Supermarket sales in October decreased by 1.6% Minus 3 consecutive months NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net)(Despite a decrease in economic and grocery downgrades, further decline in clothing and interior goods)
■Grand Sumo wrestling: Do not be angry at the hero! Recommend retirement to Asan Blue Dragon - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Sumo suggests the possibility that the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee will take a bullish attitude towards Asan Blue Dragon)
■Tomorrow's Joe: Did Joe survive? Chibutoritsu is the ending secret story radio program (Mantan web) - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Manga, I read that later and began thinking "Is not it alive?")
■"Google map" Stoppable information leakage ... Pitfalls of My Maps (1 / 2page) - MSN Sankei News(It turns out that there is a case that it becomes possible to browse even if deletion of personal information, information written in the map, it will take several weeks to be improved)
■"Can not pay for fine" increases Increase in number of unpaid items in prefecture Increase | Shimonoseki "SOON" news(Opinion that it may be caused by the increase in the amount of fines and the deterioration of economic situation)
■Cupola set meal participates in the throne Nishikawaguchi B class gourmet past the largest number of 21 items participated(Food, "cupola set meal" is the set of suicide that made use of the hijiki no nari and chili pepper)
■NHK red and white appearance singer decision, Mistillu first appearance - entertainment news: nikkansports.com(Do you care whether entertainment, red and white will finally dissolve your shamefulness)
■Finally a separate house! Yuumi Adachi and Junko Ideida kindergarten is near my parents house too! Back art(Entertainment, denying the inferiority theory, but a suspicious point is a thriller)
■Panasonic Mobile Acquires Eyeball Function of "D" Terminal Focus on Efficiency, Buy One Technical Point - ITmedia News(Mobile, withdrawing from mobile business, technology is inherited)
■Software that can dub a one-segment program on iPhone / touch is released(There are broadcasting stations that can not record partly, such as mobile and Fuji TV, the view that it takes time to solve)
■Window Forever - 【NEWS】 "Google Chrome" v with new bookmark management function is released(Software, bookmarks can be easily organized by dragging and dropping)
■I think it would be interesting if it was not restaurant Michelin book ranking - goo ranking(Ranking, 15th ranked "company food" seems interesting)
■Male suddenly cut serious injury Tokyo / Tachikawa, Near station - Society - SANSPO.COM(Incident, the criminal is running away)
■Slashdot Japan - A man who steals confidential documents equivalent to 1 billion dollars from Intel and gains employment for AMD(Note, the criminal testifies that it is a gift to his wife, who is an employee of Intel, but the investigation is proceeded to see if information is flowing to AMD)
■Slashdot · Japan | Online games and social networking benefit children(Opinion that you can learn basic communication skills and technical skills in education and information age)
■Hanashita candy that does not sell, is not it bad of the governor? ... Rocks reduced by 90%: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, Governor Toru Hashimoto seems to be willing to cooperate because it is reluctant to PR)
■Escala cafe | 【Actual Condition of Working Girls】 Episodes I thought that girls working in their twenties "It was good to have friends" Actual condition of working girls(Memo, realize the gratitude of fellow friends by a bit of things)
■The five major rule of proofreading that produces "professionalism": NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(The memo, "the first draft to write up with momentum, the second draft to calmly review" is basically the basic one, and it is much better to go back to sleep once)
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Headline news on November 21, 2008 - GIGAZINE
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