"Ox 2009" that you can download copyright-free photos of "Ox" which is the zodiac of 2009 in free of charge

This site called "Ox 2009" provides 100 photos of cattle that can be used free of charge in New Year's card postcard size. Retouching and fine modifications of 200 dpi cattle photos and crop photos cut out materials, as well as images containing characters such as "A Happy New Year" "Kaori" in advance can be downloaded.

It is a season when you must think about New Year 's cards soon, so do not lose to remember.

Details are as below.
Ox 2009 【100 photos of cows that can be used for free / New Year's postcard size / copyright free】

There are 4 genres in all.

Cattle Photo


A cow

Letter entered

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse