Accident of the train carrying 106 Porsche, damage amount more than 120 million yen

Porsche can be said to be synonymous with a luxury car. It seems that the train that was carrying the 106 new cars had caused an accident.

The picture of the train that caused the accident is to be seen, and luxury cars are exposing the miserable appearance.

Details are as below.
18 new Porsche crashed - Top Speed

Porsche thrown on track

It seems to be usable anymore

Barely the cars remaining on the train are also damaged

It looks relatively good just by touching the ground normally

Accident occurred in Direburg, Germany. A train carrying 106 Porsches collided with a train carrying oil and at least 18 Porsche lost all. The amount of damage is said to be over 1 million euros (about 120 million yen).

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log