A precious movie of an elephant that slides gently while taking a foot in the water

It is a giant body with long nose and big ears, an elephant with an image that is walking slowly but sometimes slipping and falling, it seems that the valuable moment is filmed in the movie.

The pain seems to be great as much as the body is large, but you can see that looking slowly is falling as it is passively killing momentum like the passive of judo.

Details are as below.
Elephant elephant

But I slipped with water ......

Fall hard

Still, I'm falling down using my whole body so I miss the shock

Click here for movies
LiveLeak.com - Charging elephant makes a slip and slide

It seems that child elephant can not use the body well, and has slipped his legs many times in a pond in Botswana
YouTube - Baby elephant slips

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log