Christmas was not a festival to celebrate the birthday of Jesus when tracing back

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Speaking of 25th December, there are lots of people looking forward to Christmas, which is generally thought of as a day to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. However, it is said that Christmas was not a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ when tracing the origin. It is a bit of a shock if it is told that what I thought was normal as it is, but I am very anxious what the original was.

Let's see what kind of festival was originally for Christmas and why it came to be said that Jesus Christ's birthday.

Details are from the following.
The Moral Collapse Of America: Christmas Was Not Originally A Christian Holiday

On December 25th, it seems that the heathen festival has been held for a long time since Jesus Christ was born. Dating back a long time ago, it appeared in Iranian mythologyMithraAnd Roman myth and othersSoleIt was a day to celebrate the birth of heretic gods like.

One of the festivals that had been held before the birth of Christ was called "Saturnalia (farmer festival)" which was held in the Roman temple where the god of agriculture is settled from December 17th to December 23rd He said that there was a festival. After that in December 25th in Rome it seems that a festival called "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti" meaning "undefeated sun's birthday" was made.

Furthermore, in Scandinavia it seems to have been carrying out a festival called "Yule" from late December to early January. This festival is called the strongest farming god of Norse mythology "Tall"It is a festival that it was held until the torch called" Yule log "burned out. This "Yule" is the starting point of Christmas, and originally Christmas seems to have been done for about 12 days from the end of December.

According to this article, it seems that Jesus Christ was not born on December 25 in the first place. Why did December 25 be the birthday of Jesus Christ? In the year 350 AD, when Roman Emperor Julius I changed the heretic Romans to Christianity "December 25 is It seems to be because it was declared that Jesus Christ is the birthday. "Since then, December 25 seems to celebrate as Jesus Christ's birthday festival.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log