Clothes that let you know the speed at which you are bicycling around

Although the speed of the bicycle is hard to understand from the viewpoint of the car and the pedestrian, it seems that some people made vests by changing the numbers according to the speed and displaying them with light.

Since the speed is displayed on the back, it can not be checked by yourself, but in case you run on a roadway by bicycle, safety will be improved as information can be conveyed backwards.

Details are as below.
"Speed ​​Vest" to display the speed means that by attaching a sensor to the wheel like a cycle computer, the current speed will be displayed on the back. The maximum displayable speed is 70 miles per hour (about 112 km / h).

A movie running throughout the city wearing a speed vest.
YouTube - The Speed ​​Vest - Speed ​​Trials

Mykle Hansen's blog posted the design shows how to make the best.
Mykle systems labs >> Blog Archive >> Speed-Vest!

Display production scenery. It seems to be able to display for 6 hours with one AA battery.

Manikin was also produced to put it in the gadget contest.

Speed ​​vest exhibited.

I successfully won a gift certificate of $ 150 (about 15,000 yen) depending on the contest.

It seems that Speed ​​Vest is currently used for teaching traffic safety to children, but it seems to be able to purchase normally next year.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log