Tiger Woods has a water surface and a movie hitting impossible super shots

As long as Tiger Woods is not a god, a movie that hits a super shot which is absolutely impossible. Tiger Woods accomplishes awesome things than putting the golf ball well in the pin.

The movie is from the following. There is a ball on the grass floating above the pond. It is not possible at this time.

The troubled Tiger Woods.

Then hit the ball in a way that is impossible. Reproduction is from the following.
YouTube - Tiger Woods 09 - Walk on Water

Apparently, this movie is for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 "Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09It looks like a promotional movie.

In the previous work "Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 08", there was a bug like this movie, so it seems to have become such a promotion. The following is a movie of the bug.

YouTube - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 Jesus Shot

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log