Confrontation of destiny, cat vs 4 rats of murmury
Speaking of the rat's nemesis, cats first come up to my mind, but there are a lot of pictures of cats and rats fighting fierce fighting. Confrontation is divided into 4 rounds, and we are fighting each other fierce battle. Generally speaking, the cat is dominant, but it is a wonder how the rat competes.
The fight of cats and rats is more than below.A Little Game of Cat And Mouse
Round 1
It is a terrible physique difference, cat dominance. The sight is Jurassic Park'sT-REXIt seems that it is attacking people. The rat fight victimily, the cat's victory in the first round.
Round 2
Counterattack of a mouse. I admirely put a technique like Senbaku on my face and the cat is hinting. This round is a triumph of the rat.
Round 3
Mice topple the cat with brilliant movements, mouse dominance. This round is a triumph of the rat.
Round 4
For the cat there is no final round. As I looked at it, rats are getting bitten by a cat and have a big pinch.
The original site is finished here and I do not know what happened to the result. I wonder what happened in the end, whether the mouse is safe.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log