Pitagora switch made to eat chocolate without polluting hands

There is a chocolate which is often seen in the UK such as Cream Egg, but when I peeled the aluminum skin it was created that the cream inside goes bad on my handsPythagora Switchis. It has become such a thing as to think "I will do until here to eat one chocolate."

The movie is from the following.YouTube - Creme That Egg!

Some gimmicks are introduced. Put out hot water from a yakan ...

Give the ball a shock like a pendulum.

The way that passed once moves ...

It will be the next passage.

I hit it with a hammer and proceed.

There are also jazz performances by dolls.

Zooming up will look like this.

The last is crushed by the hammer.

I should have wanted to eat it without sticking his hands, but it seems that it turned out to be a Pitagora switch that has no meaning at all.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log