Motorcycles and cars like Louis Vuitton handle

Famous as "floating trunk"Louis Vuitton. In addition to trunks, popular items such as bags, wallets, pouches, etc. are many, often fake items circulate and become news. In the world, it seems that some people have made Vuitton handle up to motorcycles and cars, because Vuitton liked it.

Details are as below.
Steve LaNasa

Vuitton pattern car. I do not know if there are meanings for strange poses.

She seems to have painted properly instead of pasting the seal.

The side is like this.

I V Y Paris News: Vuitton Vespa outside Bon Marché

Vuitton handleVespa. It is quite fashionable.

Sheet only Vuitton.

Vuitton pattern scooter I saw in the Philippines. It is a wonder that it appears suddenly disgusting just being told "Philippines".

in Note, Posted by logc_nt