The spam regulation law has been revised, introduction of the opt-in method and raising the fine by 30 times
Previously, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications currently regulates junk e-mailEnhancement of "Specified E-mail Transmission Optimization Law" and considering revising the law such as making the fine 30 times higher than in the pastWe informed you at GIGAZINE, but today the amendment today was approved by the House of Councilors and was established.
In addition to the introduction of pre-requisite "opt-in method" and receipt of consent of the recipient in addition to a large increase in the fine, we have taken into consideration the content of consideration such as junk e-mail originated from overseas as subject to regulation.
Details are as below.
On the revision of the specified e-mail law in 2008
~ Introduction of opt-in method, strengthening of effectiveness, etc. ~
According to this release, the contents revised this time include the following three.
· Introduction of opt-in method
We will introduce "opt-in method" which allows advertisement mails to be sent only to the parties agreeing to send in advance, except when they are in business relationships. Also, when we receive notification of reception refusal from the other party agreeing to send, we must stop the transmission.
In addition, in sending the advertisement promotion mail, in addition to the necessity of displaying the name and name of the sender, the mail address or the URL serving as the contact destination of the reception refusal, in addition to recording the fact that the consent was obtained It is obligatory.
· Strengthening the effectiveness of the law
In addition to making it possible for providers to refuse to send e-mails to so-called "spoofing mails" that send mails by falsifying sender information, as well as being able to request providers to provide information Thing.
For corporations that sent unsolicited e-mails, we are striving to strengthen penalties from a fine of not more than 1 million yen to a fine of not more than 30 million yen.
· Others
In addition to enabling information to be provided to foreign institutions that take countermeasures against spam mails, it is clarified that e-mails sent abroad are subject to discipline.
Although the specific enforcement date is undecided, we have formulated guidelines for display obligations and methods of obtaining consent from the discussion at the "Study Group on Response to Spam Mail" and public comment etc., promulgated It is said to be enforced within 6 months from the date.
Although it seems to be an epochal law amendment targeting spam mail originating from overseas, how effective is it really?
By the way, this is a mailbox that a certain editorial staff personally measures. Since the revision of the law turned out in February, I can see that the number of spams is steadily increasing. It is expected that it will further increase due to slippage until the law is actually enforced.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log